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Development Services

This Information Bulletin lists the fees collected by the City of San Diego for construction permits (building permits). It also lists some, but not all, fees that may be required from agencies other than the City of San Diego. The tables within this bulletin are designed to assist applicants in estimating construction permit fees. For project submittal requirements, see Project Submittal Requirements, Section 2.

When Fees Are Paid

The fees associated with Building Permits may be collected during different points of the permitting process: at project submittal, during review, at permit issuance, and during inspection. There are also enhanced/optional services for which fees are collected.

The following sections of this fee bulletin describe what fees are collected and when in the process they are collected. The following fees are required to be paid prior to review unless otherwise indicated below. For your convenience, DSD offers online payments. Payments can also be made in person using cash, check, debit card, Visa, or MasterCard. Checks shall be in the exact amount, drawn on US banks, and made payable to the “City Treasurer.”

Plan check fees and some administrative fees are non-refundable, but inspection fees may be refundable. For additional refund information, see the Refund Policy noted within Refund Application Form DS-721.

Submittal Fees

General Plan Maintenance Fee
This fee provides funding for the maintenance of the City’s General Plan and is collected on behalf of the Planning Department. It is non-refundable and is collected once per project at the time of application. Projects that do not require plan review are not subject to the fee.

General Plan Maintenance Fee$548.00

Mapping Fee
This fee is collected to fund automation efforts and online GIS data and mapping for Development Services. It is charged when plans, drawings, maps or other geographical documents are utilized for project review.

Mapping Fee$10.10

Plan Check Fees
Fee Tables 501A, 501B, 501C and 501D list the plan check fees. This information is taken from the plans at project submittal. The information is then verified during project review and updated as appropriate. Changes made during project review may result in additional plan check fees, which may require payment prior to subsequent reviews.

Issuance Fees

The following fees are collected at the time of issuance for all permits:

Inspection Fee
Fee tables 501A, 501B and 501C list the inspection fees collected at the time of permit issuance. This information is taken from the plans at permit issuance. It is then verified during inspection and updated as appropriate. Changes made during inspections may result in additional inspection fees, which may require payment prior to subsequent inspections.

Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Recycling Deposit
A refundable C&D Debris Recycling Deposit may be required at permit issuance and is collected on behalf of the Environmental Services Department (ESD). The deposit encourages the diversion of construction and demolition debris from our local landfills and ensures it gets recycled by recycling, reusing or donating usable materials. The deposit schedule is listed on the Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Recycling Fact Sheet. If a C&D Deposit is required, a completed Waste Management Form Part 1 must be provided. Learn more

Lead Hazard Prevention & Control
This fee is collected on behalf of the ESD for all Building Permits and Demolition Permits for structures built before 1979. The fee is meant to meet operational expenses associated with education, outreach and enforcement of the Lead Hazard Prevention and Control Ordinance (City Council Resolution R-303490)

Renovation or demolition work impacting lead-based painted surfaces can generate dangerous lead dust and soil contamination levels. Children are most at risk for lead poisoning and can be exposed to dust and soil contamination long after the work has been completed. Workers risk exposing their children to lead hazards by tracking contaminated dust and soil from the worksite into their own cars and homes. Studies have shown that even low levels of lead can cause damage to the brain, the central nervous system, and the kidneys and cause behavioral problems and loss of IQ. There is no medical treatment to reverse the damaging health effects of lead.

San Diego Municipal Code Sections 54.1005 through 54.1006 describe the lead-safe work practices that must be followed by anyone disturbing painted surfaces in pre-1979 structures or steel structures of any age. For more information, visit the Lead-Safety and Healthy Homes Program webpage at

Lead Hazard Prevention Fee$51.00

State of California

  • State/Seismic Fee - Public Resources Code Section 2705 requires that the City collect a fee for the State of California’s strong-motion instrumentation program for the purpose of administering the program and of acquiring strong-motion instruments and installing and maintaining such instruments as needed in representative geologic environments and structures throughout the state. The fee is assessed at 13 cents per $1,000 estimated valuation on all permits for construction of single or multifamily structures one or two stories high. The charge is 28 cents per $1,000 estimated valuation for multifamily construction three stories or higher and for permits on nonresidential construction. For valuation determination, see Information Bulletin 101, Building Valuation Schedule.
  • Building Standards Fee - Health & Safety Code Section 18931.6 requires that the City collect a fee on all building permits for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the State Building Standards Law and provisions of State Housing Law that relate to building standards. The fee will be used for the development, adoption, publication, updating, and educational efforts associated with Green Building Standards, and is assessed at the rate of four dollars ($4) per one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) in valuation, with appropriate fractions thereof, but not less than one dollar ($1.00). “Appropriate fractions thereof” is interpreted to be $1.00 per every twenty-five thousand ($25,000) in valuation.

County Water Authority
The San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) is a separate agency from the City of San Diego that supplies raw water to the region. When a new water meter is installed, the agency may charge a capacity fee based on the size of the meter. A fee schedule is available at CWA fees are collected through the Development Services Department.

School Fees/Deposits
The local school district(s) may assess a school fee for new construction. DSD Information Bulletin 146 "School Fees," provides information about school fee requirements, how the fees are calculated, and how to pay school fees to the school district prior to permit issuance.

Impact Fees
Public Spaces Planning collects certain impact fees as part of land development within the City of San Diego. Impact fees are due at the final inspection of completed buildings. However, they can be paid at any time after the building permit has been issued. For more information, contact Public Facilities Planning at

  • Development Impact Fees (DIF) are charged for development in all Urbanized and Proposition A Lands.
  • Regional Transportation Congestion Improvement Program Fees (RTCIP) are applicable to new residential development.
  • Housing Trust Fund Fees (HTF) are applicable to all new nonresidential developments, additions, or changes in use that increase the intensity of use and generate a greater demand for affordable housing.
  • The Active Transportation in Lieu Fees (ATILF) are required for residential and non-residential development projects located in Mobility Zone 4. Projects in Mobility Zones 2 or 3 require mitigation measures, with the option to pay a buyout fee in lieu of implementing the required mitigations. 

All private, non-residential permit valuations over certain thresholds (SDMC §26.0714) are to submit a set aside for public art enhancement. This threshold is revised annually, Jan. 1 of each year. For more information about Art in Private Development Projects, please contact the Commission for Arts and Culture at to discuss alternatives to comply with the Public Art Ordinance.

A non-refundable hourly plan check fee based on 2.5 hours of review time will be added to all building permit projects at the time of project set-up for the calculation and assessment of development impact fees and must be paid prior to review. The reviewer may assess additional hourly fees as needed. 

You can determine your project's fees by accessing the Citywide DIF calculator on City Planning’s Public Spaces webpage. To determine a project’s fees, enter the project’s assessor parcel number and development information into the Citywide DIF Calculator. To use the Citywide DIF Calculator, download the file to your device. Once downloaded, you can easily estimate your DIFs.

Water & Sewer Plan Check Fees
Development Services assesses a Water and Sewer Plan Check Fee when a water and sewer review of any type is performed. The fee is based upon a combination of the number of Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) being reviewed and whether or not a change is being made to a meter. The plan check fee is based per EDU and is charged for both irrigation and domestic meters. For the purposes of assessing these fees, 20 fixture units are given a value of one EDU. Table 501D lists Water and Sewer plan check fees.

Water & Sewer Capacity Fees
Water and Sewer Capacity Fees are collected on behalf of the Public Utilities Department and are determined during the plan review process. A capacity fee is collected for the maintenance/operation of present water and sewer facilities, as well as future expansion. Water and sewer capacity fees are calculated by Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). Water capacity fees may be deferred. For further information, contact Public Utilities at (858) 614-5764. See “Schedule for Water and Sewer Fees” for a list of water and sewer capacity fees.

Water & Sewer Installation Fees
Water services and sewer lateral installation fees associated with new construction are collected on behalf of the Public Utilities Department and are determined during the building permit plan review process. See “Schedule for Water and Sewer Fees” for water and sewer services, including potable and reclaimed water for the City of San Diego. A Water Meter Data Card (DS-16) is used to determine the correct size required for the water meter, service and sewer lateral.

Storm Water High Priority & Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) Inspection Fee
The Regional Water Quality Control Board requires weekly or biweekly Stormwater Inspections on large projects and projects in close proximity to sensitive biological water resources. During plan review, all projects are classified as ASBS, High, Medium or Low Priority with regards to their stormwater discharge risk. Projects identified as Stormwater High Priority or ASBS are assessed a fee to meet the additional inspections. This fee covers the first four (4) Storm Water Inspections performed beyond normal inspections. If more than four (4) additional Storm Water Inspections are required, additional Stormwater Inspection fees will be assessed by inspection staff.

Storm Water Inspections (Up to four)$1,021.80

Enhanced/Optional Services

Project Management Services
In order to accommodate the needs of the industry, a ministerial Development Project Manager (DPM) will be assigned to complex projects or when an applicant requests a customized review or approval process. A DPM will be the point of contact for the applicant, but any member of the review team can be contacted directly concerning plan review on specific items such as building codes, planning or public improvement requirements. DPMs are available to handle complex scheduling issues and coordination between the reviewers and inspectors and to assist customers with the following:

  • Facilitating pre-submittal meetings and multi-discipline preliminary reviews
  • Determining the submittal requirements, project fees and distribution
  • Coordinating concurrent processing with Development Project Managers managing the discretionary portion of the project
  • Managing the portion of the project schedule that relates to the Development Services Department review and approval process
  • Providing conflict resolution services
  • Coordinating issuance of the ministerial permit
  • Coordinating pre-construction meetings
  • Managing the inspection process
  • Facilitating temporary certificate of occupancy

Applicants also have the option of requesting a DPM to be assigned to their project.  It is to be noted that requesting a DPM will not guarantee that one will be assigned. All requests shall be submitted and reviewed by prior to acceptance of any construction documents.  Fees for this service are on an hourly basis for time spent and are $146.80 per hour.

Express Plan Check Fees
When available, a reduced review period can be accomplished by paying an Express Plan Check Administration Fee of $659.20 plus 1.5 times the regular plan check fee (or 1.5 times the hourly rate, when applicable).

Other Fees

Affordable Housing Verification Documents
A $366.00 fee is charged for City Staff verification of information needed to apply for local, state, or federal affordable housing opportunities. Documents requiring impact fee verification by Public Spaces Planning require additional fees charged at hourly rates.  

Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fees
The City of San Diego’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance requires all new residential developments of two units or more to provide affordable housing or pay a fee in lieu of providing affordable housing. For more information, including the in-lieu fees, see Information Bulletin 532, Information Regarding Inclusionary Housing.

Plan Change Fee
Changes to approved plans (after permit issuance) must be reviewed. A non-refundable plan check fee must be paid at the hourly rate (See ‘Hourly rate of services not covered above’) at the time of issuance of the construction change. For additional information, see Information Bulletin 118, How to Process Changes to Approved Plans.

Services Not Covered In the Fee Tables

Plan Review:
Application Extension—Project
Permit Extension
Hourly DSD
Hourly DSD OT  




Inspection Fees:
Hourly-DSD OT 

Enhanced Inspections:
Late Night/Weekend/Holiday
Before of After Hours 





*For Enhanced Inspections see Information Bulletin 120.

Traffic Study Fee
Building Permit projects that require review of a Traffic Study will be assessed an additional plan check fee of $2,053.30.

Addressing Fee
The addressing fee for the assignment of a new standard building address associated with a building plan check is $439.80 per address assigned.

Fee Collection - Other Agencies / Departments
A $14.20 fee is charged for fees collected by DSD or other departments/agencies (e.g., water/sewer fees, Affordable Housing In-lieu, construction debris recycling, State fees, lead hazard fee). The fee is charged at permit issuance, and once per project.

Heritage Preservation
An hourly plan check fee of $172.87 per hour is charged for the Designated Historical Resource Review or Potential Historical Resource Review. A minimum of one hour is collected at the time of initial submittal. Additional hours may be charged during the review process, with supplemental invoices issued as necessary.

Fire Permits

Additional fees are charged for fire protection systems, including fire sprinklers, fire alarms and kitchen hood suppression systems. For Fire Permit fees, see Information Bulletin 506, Fee Schedule for Fire Permits.

Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing/Gas Permits

Additional fees are charged for specific electrical, mechanical and plumbing/gas installations for multifamily and nonresidential construction projects (see Information Bulletin 103, Fee Schedule for Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing/Gas Permits). Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing/Gas Permits can be obtained at the same time the building permit is issued. This fee schedule can also be used for single-family, duplex and townhome projects that only involve electrical, mechanical or plumbing/gas work without any building permit work.

Demolition, Removal Permit Fees

See Information Bulletin 710, Permit Instructions, Procedures for Building Demolition/Removal.

Sign Permit Fees

See Information Bulletin 111, How to Obtain a Permit for Signs.

Table 501A - Building Plan Check & Inspections

Project Type 1Base Sq. Ft.Plan CheckInspection
Base RateIncrement RateBase RateIncrement Rate
New Commercial1$3,791.30-$1,304.20-
High Rise21$9,604.50-$8,593.50-

Master Plan-Est-MDU 

(Master Plan Establishment-Multi Dwelling Unit)

*For Production see Footnote 4

New MDU 

(New Multi Dwelling Unit)


Res-MDU & Non Res-Addition 

(Residential Multi-Dwelling Unit & Non-Residential Addition)

Standalone Parking Garage1$5,257.20-$2,022.00-


(Single Dwelling Unit /Duplex)


Repetitive Strct-SDU/DUP4

(Repetitive Structure Single Dwelling Unit /Duplex)

First Additional Unit$1,760.20 Use Rates Above
Subsequent Units (Each)$659.20 Use Rates Above

Res-SDU/DUP Add/Remodel

(Residential-Single Dwelling Unit/Duplex Addition/Remodel)


Manufactured/FBH SDU

(Manufactured Factory Built Housing Single Dwelling Unit)


Tenant Improvement/Remodel

(All occupancies excluding R-3)


TI/Remodel Rapid Review 

(Tenant Improvement/Remodel Rapid Review, All Occupancies)

Factory Built Housing MDUFirst 30,000 sf$10,615.50-$7,279.20-
Each additional 1,500 sf$530.80-$364.00-
Attached Townhomes1$11,707.40-$10,008.90-

Repetitive Strct-TH3

(Repetitive Structure-Town Home)

Each $586.40-Use Townhomes Fees
Warehouse/Self-Storage 1$9,301.20-$5,863.80-

Repetitive Strct-Non Res/MDU4

(Repetitive structure Non-Residential or Multi Dwelling Unit4)


Use appropriate inspection fees as applicable

per building type 

Fees are based upon the use as defined by the California Building Code (CBC). For mixed-use buildings (e.g., residential/commercial projects), fees will be applied based on the square footage of each use within the structure.

High Rise - Any building having occupied floors 75’ or more above the lowest floor level having building access, regardless of occupancy type.
Tenant Improvement/Remodel - This fee will be used for a building permit that is required to allow a new shell building or space to be occupied.

Repetitive Strct-SDU/DUP& TH - This fee will be charged when repetitive single-dwelling unit, duplex or townhomes are identical and are submitted at the same time. The applicable inspection fee will be charged for each structure based on size of the building.

The Repetitive Structures Fee will be charged when a repetitive multi-dwelling unit or non-residential structures are identical and are submitted at the same time. The applicable inspection fee will be charged for each structure based on CBC use and size of the building.

Table 501B - Partial Permit Plan Check & Inspection

Project Type 1,2Base Sq. Ft.Plan CheckInspection
Base RateIncrement RateBase RateIncrement Rate

Partial-Shell & Non-Res BO

(Partial Shell & Non-Residential Buildout)


Partial Res BO to Occupy

(Partial Residential. Buildout to Occupy)

Partial-High Rise Foundation1$14,154.00-$6,470.40-
Partial-High Rise Frame1$4,044.00-$2,022.00$0.05
Partial-High Rise Shell1$10,615.50-$3,538.50-
50,000$ 10,615.50$0.20$3,538.50$0.07
Partial-High Rise Buildout31$1,516.50---

Piles, Pile Cap and

Grade Beam






Fees are based upon the use as defined by the California Building Code. For mixed-use buildings (e.g., residential and commercial projects), fees will be applied based on the square footage of each use within the structure.

Partial-Foundation - Footings and slab on grade; Does not include the basement walls for a subterranean structure such as a parking garage.
Partial-Frame - The structural frame of a building without the cladding/skin or interior partitions.
Partial-Shell and Non-Res Buildout- Skin/cladding for previously permitted Frame + Foundation structure. This permit would turn the structure into a shell building which has to obtain separate tenant improvement building permits to occupy.
Partial-Buildout Residential to Occupy - This fee will be used for a building permit that is required for a previously permitted Foundation + Frame residential structure to be occupied.
Shell - A building that has to obtain separate tenant improvement permits to occupy.
High Rise - Any building with occupied floors 75 feet or more above the lowest floor level having building access, regardless of occupancy type.

3 Additional plan check fees will be charged for the buildout of all High-Rise buildings regardless of use, and is in addition to the "Partial-Shell and Non-Residential Build-Out" and/or "Partial-Residential Build-Out to Occupy"

Table 501C—Miscellaneous Items Plan Check and Inspection

Project TypeUnitPlan CheckInspection
Base RateEach Add’lBase RateEach Add’l
AntennaFirst 51832.90-$439.80-
6 or more$2,053.30-$879.60   -
Awnings/CanopiesEach 5$1,466.00$1,026.20$512.60   $219.40
Carport/Shade Up to 500 sq. ft.1Each$1,246.60  -$512.60  -
Carport/Shade 501-3000 sq. ft.1Each$1,539.80  -$512.60   -
Carport/Shade >3000 sq. ft.1Each$1,979.50-$659.20-

State Appr. Comm Modular1

(State -Approved Commercial Modular1)

Deck-Pre-Approved PlansEach Building$953.40-$219.40  -

Deck (SDU/DUP/TH) (Each)

(Deck-Single Dwelling Unit/Duplex/Townhome/Multi-Dwelling Unit)

Up to 500 sq. ft.$1,393.20-$219.40   -
>500 sq. ft.$2,199.90-$366.00-

Demolition – Partition Only (Res)

(Demolition-Partition Only- Residential)

Each Building$293.20  ---
Door/Window – (New/Replace)Each 3$659.20$366.00$146.60  $146.60  
Equipment PadEach$1,246.60  -$219.40-

Fence (Mas/Non-Mas)


> 7’ high, per 100 LF$1,686.30$805.80$439.80$293.20

Fence (Mas/Non-Mas) City Std3

(Fence/Wall Masonry/Non-Masonry-City Standard)

Each 100 LF$953.40-$293.20-
Fireplace1Each$1,026.20-293.20  -
Foundation RepairEach Building$1,760.20-$293.20-


(Garage/Storage-Single Dwelling Unit/Duplex/Townhome)

Each $1,246.60  -Hourly-


(Garage/Storage-Non-Residential/Multi-Dwelling Unit)

Each 200 sq. ft.$2,493.10$1393.20$293.20$293.20
Patio Cover – Pre-Approved1Each$1,246.60-$293.20   -

Patio Cover-SDU/DUP/TH1

(Patio Cover – Single Dwelling Unit/Duplex/Townhome)

Each$1,172.80  -$439.80-
Pole/Pole with ElectricalFirst 10$1,393.20-$293.20  $146.60
11 or more$2419.30-$439.80-
Pool/Spa, Private CustomEach$2,199.90-$439.80-

Pool/Spa, SDU/DUP/TH per MP

(Pool/Spa, Single Dwelling Unit/Duplex/Townhome-Per Master Plan)

Each$806.80  -$439.80-
Pool/Spa, – Per Master PlanEach$1,393.20-$366.00-
Repair/Replace In KindEach Building--$439.80-
Retaining Wall, City StandardEach 50 LF$ 1,393.20$953.40$293.20$146.60
Retaining Wall, With Calculations3< 6’ high, per 50 LF$ 1,832.90$ 953.40$439.80$146.60
Retaining Wall, With Calculations3> 6', per 50 LF$2419.30$953.40$439.80$219.40
Roof Re-sheathing, Non-Res/MDUEach BuildingHourly2-$219.40-
Roof Re-sheathing, SDU/DUP/THEach BuildingHourly2-$219.40-
Roof Structure ReplacementEach 2,000 sq. ft$1,612.50$512.60$219.40$219.40
Sidewalk Café-Building Each$3,226.10-$219.40   -
Siding/Stucco/VeneerEach 1,000 sq. ft$439.80  $219.40$293.20$146.60
Skylight Each 3$805.80  -$146.60-
Storage RacksEach Type$1,319.40  $586.40--
First 100 LF--$219.40  -
Each add’l 200 LF---$146.60

RepetitiveStrct-Misc 1

(Repetitive structure - Miscellaneous) 

Each$293.20  ---
Hazmat Review (P) Add-On




1 The repetitive structure plan check fee will be charged when repetitive structures in Table 501C are identical and are submitted at the same time. The applicable inspection fee will be charged for each structure.

2 If plans are required per Information Bulletin 123, Renewal of Roof Coverings, plan check fees will be charged hourly.

3 Fences, walls or retaining walls with varying heights will be calculated using the greatest wall height.

Table 501D– Water/Sewer Plan Check Fees

Project TypeIncrementBase RateIncrement Rate
Non-Residential and Multi-Dwelling Unit, New Water MeterUp to 3 EDUs$439.80 
Up to 4 EDUs$879.60 
Each add'l EDU (or fraction thereof) $36.40
Non-Residential and Multi-Dwelling Unit, No Water Meter ChangeUp to 3 EDUs$ 366.00 
Up to 4 EDUs$587.00 
Each add'l EDU (or fraction thereof) $36.40
SDU/Duplex/Townhome, New Meter and UpgradeEDU$ 293.20 
SDU/Duplex/Townhome, No Water Meter ChangeEA

$ 146.60

Add-on Items - When the project includes any of the items below, an additional fee will be assessed
New Backflow PreventerEach$146.60 
Per Floor (Above 3 Levels)Each Floor$72.80 


Previous Versions of this Information Bulletin

This section contains previous versions of this Information Bulletin by the last day they were effective.