Tentative Map Exemptions
October 2024
Pursuant to San Diego Municipal Code (SDMC) Section 125.0410, certain subdivisions are exempt from a tentative map and may instead be approved through the ministerial process. This Information Bulletin describes the eligibility and requirements for filing a subdivision using the SDMC provisions that allow for a Process One ministerial approval, consistent with the Subdivision Map Act.
First, applicants must apply for a Tentative Map Exemption to determine required dedications and improvements. Following completion of the Tentative Map Exemption, applicants can then apply for a parcel map.
Eligibility Criteria
A subdivision, including the creation of condominiums, is exempt from a tentative map in accordance with SDMC Section 125.0410 if the project consists of any of the following:
- A subdivision resulting in four or fewer parcels;
- A subdivision resulting in four or fewer condominiums, as defined in California Civil Code Section 738;
- A community apartment project, as defined in California Civil Code Section 4105, containing four or fewer parcels;
- A conversion of four or fewer dwelling units to a stock cooperative, as defined in California Civil Code Section 4190;
- A subdivision where the land before the subdivision contains less than five acres, each parcel created abuts a public street or freeway, and the subdivision does not require any dedications or improvements as determined by the City Engineer;
- A subdivision where each created parcel has a gross area of at least 20 acres and has access to a public street or freeway;
- A subdivision where the land before the subdivision has a commercial, mixed-use (i.e. EMX), or industrial base zone, has access to a public street or freeway, and has street alignments and widths designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer;
- Find your zone designation: Zoning and Parcel Information Portal (ZAPP)
- Base Zone Designations: Use Regulations Tables in SDMC Chapter 13, Article 1, Divisions 1 through 7
- Planned District Ordinance Zone Designations: Use Regulation Tables in SDMC Chapter 15, Articles 2 through 20
- A subdivision where each created parcel has a gross area of at least 40 acres and does not have access to a public street or freeway;
- A subdivision where the land being subdivided is solely for the creation of an environmental subdivision pursuant to California Government Code Section 66418.2;
- An urban lot split pursuant to SDMC Section 143.1315.
Residential condominium conversions are subject to the regulations of SDMC Chapter 14, Article 4, Division 5.
Dedications and public improvements may be required for subdivisions that do not require a tentative map, as determined by the City Engineer. Details regarding dedications and public improvements will be determined during the Tentative Map Exemption review process and provided as conditions prior to the recordation of the parcel map. Improvements may include street trees, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and paving.
Application Process
- Tentative Map Exemption
- Eligible projects must first apply for a Tentative Map Exemption using the Discretionary Permits webpage. Within the online application portal, select the “Discretionary Project” record type. When prompted to choose a Permit Type, select “Tentative Map Exemption.”
- Note: Tentative Map Exemptions are not Discretionary Projects. They are not subject to standard findings for a tentative map, are not subject to environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), do not require noticing or a public hearing, and are not appealable.
- Tentative Map Exemptions will use the same project management and review framework used for tentative maps.
- The following forms must be included uploaded to Accela as a part of the application process:
- Grant Deed -- Proof of Ownership
- Map Reference Material
- Storm Water Req. Applicability Checklist (DS-560)
- Title Report
- Map Exhibit (must meet the requirements of Item 12 in Section 4 of the Project Submittal Manual)
- Tentative Map Exemption Affidavit (DS-380)
- Once reviews on the Tentative Map Exemption are complete, applicants will receive conditions for the subdivision. These conditions shall expire after three years.
- Required fees for Tentative Map Exemptions can be found in Information Bulletin 503.
- Eligible projects must first apply for a Tentative Map Exemption using the Discretionary Permits webpage. Within the online application portal, select the “Discretionary Project” record type. When prompted to choose a Permit Type, select “Tentative Map Exemption.”
- Parcel Map
- After receiving conditions through the Tentative Map Exemption, a separate application must be filed for a parcel map.
- This parcel map must be recorded to create the subdivision.
- Conditions of Approval for the parcel map must be met prior to the recordation of the parcel map.
- The parcel map application process can be found here.
- Required fees for parcel maps can be found in Information Bulletin 502.
- SDMC Section 125.0410
- Decision Processes
- Zoning and Parcel Information Portal (ZAPP)
- Base Zone Designations: Use Regulations Tables in SDMC Chapter 13, Article 1, Divisions 1 through 7
- Planned District Ordinance Zone Designations: Use Regulation Tables in SDMC Chapter 15, Articles 2 through 20
- Urban Lot Splits, SDMC Section 143.1315
- Mapping Action Approvals webpage
- Storm Water Req. Applicability Checklist (DS-560)
- Project Submittal Manual Section 4
- Tentative Map Exemption Affidavit (DS-380)
- Information Bulletin 503
- Mapping Action Approvals
- Information Bulletin 502