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Development Services

This Information Bulletin describes the procedures for obtaining approval for changes to construction plans that have already been approved for building, combination, fire, plumbing/mechanical and electrical permits.

I. Construction Change Process

Per Municipal Code Section 129.0214, approved plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified, or altered without authorization of the Building Official. All changes, modifications or alterations to the approved plans and specifications during construction must be reviewed and approved by the City prior to being incorporated into the construction documents. When changes to the plans are needed, please note the following:

  • Any addition to the original scope of work will require a separate permit.
  • Deletions to the original scope of work will be processed as a construction change.
  • Multiple changes to the approved plans impacting the same project area shall be consolidated.
  • If there has been a substantial redesign of the project a new application may be required.
  • If changes in the scope of work require additional permits this may delay the original permit and can cause it to expire.
  • If a ‘Completion of work’ or a ‘Final only’ permit has been issued, a new application is required.
  • ‘No plan’ permits, for example: Simple MEP (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) are not eligible for construction changes.
  • Only one construction change can be submitted at a time. If multiple construction changes are proposed, group all changes into one construction change. If a construction change is in review, no additional construction changes can be submitted until the previous construction change is issued.

II. Submittal Requirements

  1. The revision shall be identified by date, description and mark in the title block of each sheet submitted for review.
  2. A revision summary table shall be maintained on the plans and should state the change number, date of submittal, describe the scope, and identify the sheet numbers, unique delta number/mark, and approval date of the previously approved changes.
  3. See sample tables A and B below.
  4. Each construction change submittal shall include the following for review:
    1. Submit a copy of the revised and/or added sheets. All unchanged work shall remain on the revised sheets. Do not submit sheets that have not changed.
    2. For projects that were issued in paper format, submit a copy of the approved, issued plans, including all previously approved construction changes. Provide copies of the watermarked drawings.
    3. All revisions shall be clearly marked by clouding ONLY the revised work and identifying the clouded area with a numbered Delta symbol, including changes to the sheet index. Any changes to the drawings not clouded will not be considered a part of the approved change.
    4. All revision Clouds and Deltas from previously approved construction changes shall be removed.
    5. Any added sheets shall be clearly marked by clouding the new sheet number and identifying the clouded area with a numbered delta symbol. Each new sheet shall be clearly and uniquely numbered.
    6. The project title sheet shall be included in the submittal package. The title sheet shall include the following:
      • The original narrative for the project scope of work as revised by current and previously approved construction changes.
      • The original project sheet index as revised by current and previously approved construction changes.
      • Provide a brief narrative describing the scope of work proposed for the current construction change. The description shall include the construction change number and the unique delta number used for this submittal.
      • The scope of work and sheet list for all previously approved construction changes shall be maintained on the plans to provide a running list of changes.
    7. Submit a copy of any relevant revised calculations and reports with a copy of the original approved calculations and reports (if not originally submitted digitally).
    8. All revised drawings and calculations shall be signed and sealed/stamped by the appropriate licensed design professionals associated with this project or the construction change.
      • If there is a change in the responsible party, please see Information Bulletin 250 on how to apply for a ‘Change of Record’.
    9. If the reason for the construction change is to resolve the correction notice, a copy of the inspector’s correction notice shall be attached to and submitted with the application.

III. Options for Service

All forms, documents and applications are now submitted electronically. Visit the Development Services Department Construction Change to Building Permit & Deferred Submittals webpage and use your existing account to continue the permitting and issuance process. A detailed user guide is also available.

IV. Fees

A non-refundable hourly plan check fee will be assessed at the time of project set-up, one fee per required review discipline, and must be paid prior to review. See Information Bulletin 501, "Fee Schedule for Construction Permits-Structures," for a list of the hourly fees. The reviewers may assess additional hourly fees as needed. If the change results in additional square footage, additional permit fees, development impact fees, and school fees may also apply.

V. Issuance of a Construction Change

A construction change, once approved by the review staff, must go through the issuance process which includes an electronic stamp of approval on the approved construction change plans and payment of the fees.

Construction changes may hold up inspections when fees are assessed against the main parent project. Failure to issue the construction change or pay the fees will result in the failure to complete the construction permit project. The approved construction change plans printed in full size shall be kept with the original plan set on site for inspection.

VI. Table Examples

Table A - Sample Title Block



01-20-22Construction Change 1
04-13-22Construction Change 2


Table B - Sample Revision Summary

CC#Submittal Date DescriptionSheets  MarkApproval Date
101-20-22Construction Change 1A1, A2, S1, S2
204-13-22Construction Change 2A8, S8


VII. Previous Versions of this Information Bulletin

This section contains previous versions of this Information Bulletin by the last day they were effective.