Green Business Network Logo

San Diego
Green Business

Green Business Network LogoSan Diego
Green Business Network


If you have a City of San Diego business tax certificate, you’re eligible for free membership in the San Diego Green Business Network. Anyone at your business can apply and take credit for advancing sustainability in your workplace.

Let's get started!

Business type
Do you own or lease space?
Format: 999-999-9999
Have you heard about the Green Business Network before?
Are you interested in saving money on your water, waste, and energy bills?
Does your business have its own energy meter?
Does your business have its own water meter?
Who manages your waste?
Are you interested in free water, waste, and energy assessments?
What resources about sustainability and green building would be helpful to you?
- Check all that apply -
What is your motivation to join the Green Business Network?
- Check all that apply -