Green Business Network Logo

San Diego
Green Business

Green Business Network LogoSan Diego
Green Business Network

Membership Benefits

Energy Assessments

You'll get no-cost energy assessments to determine your building's energy use patterns. This will allow you to prioritize upgrades that are cost-effective while achieving maximum energy-savings but don’t compromise health and comfort. Plus, only Green Business Network members are eligible to receive a visual facilities audit from a San Diego Green Building Council representative. This audit will help members to control their energy, water and waste impacts.

Marketing support

As a Green Business Network member, you’ll have access to our marketing toolkit, which includes:

  • Membership decal
  • Green Business Network logo for use on your customer marketing and sales materials
  • Press release templates for announcing your membership and sustainability initiative milestones
  • Sample posts to use on your social media channels
  • Informational text to use on your website noting your membership

Community recognition & awards

In addition to being listed in our membership directory, you’ll be recognized through our social media channels, receive a decal to proudly display your membership to customers, and receive support for green and sustainability award opportunities like the City’s Recycler of the Year and San Diego EarthWorks’ EARTH awards programs.

Educational workshops & networking opportunities

Many businesses have already gone through the process of making their businesses more energy-efficient. They can help you understand your options, provide insight on upgrade timelines and inspire you with what they’re doing next. Plus, their common interest in energy efficiency make them ideal business connections.

The Green Business Network offers quarterly opportunities for you to learn from fellow businesses and sustainability experts on topics including: air quality, energy efficiency, sustainable business practices, sustainable development, water conservation and waste reduction.

Membership Rewards

Save money

By saving energy, water and reducing your waste, you'll have more money to invest back into your business instead of its utility bills.

Grow your network and customer base

Gain exposure through the City of San Diego's Green Business Network and be more attractive to customers.

Help the environment

San Diego is a world-class Smart City that leads the way in sustainable practices and goals, and your business can be a part of that.

I'm ready to join!