Procedures/Policies Accomplishments
- At the recommendation of the Board, the Department issued new guidelines for the handling of evidence seized from citizens.
- At the request of the Board, Internal Affairs investigators attend a Board meeting in order to familiarize themselves with the Board and the review process.
- At the recommendation of the Board, the Chief of Police rescinded the policy of allowing off-duty officers to work as security guards. This was later compromised by a Police Officers Association lawsuit - now off-duty work is permitted under limited conditions.
- Numerous informal, in-office procedures have been established to provide Review Team members with access to investigators for questions pertinent to their review of cases.
- The ongoing, high level of concurrence between the Board and Internal Affairs findings is an affirmation of the quality and integrity of the self-examination process. It has increased the public confidence in the complaint reception and investigation process.
- As a result of the case review process, Department procedures and policies are constantly being monitored and evaluated. Changes in Pursuit, Prisoner Restraint, Officer Off-duty/On-duty Responsibility, Money Handling and Use of Force policies are just a few of the policies which have been positively impacted as a result of Board input.
- Public Forum meetings were recommended by the Board. The first were held at police facilities, then moved to neutral sites to encourage public attendance and input.
- At the request of the Board, "Misconduct Noted" and "Discrepancy Noted" findings have been clarified and definitions are included in Department Policies.
- Misconduct Noted. The investigation evidenced Category 1 violation(s) of Department Policies/Procedures not alleged in the complaint.
- Discrepancy Noted. The investigation evidenced Category II violation(s) of Department Policies/Procedures not alleged in the complaint.
- Citizens' Review Board on Police Practices' background and review procedures have been included in the Department Policies.
- At the recommendation of the Board, new procedures have been established for searching wallets and purses which require a witness.
- At the request of the Board, Internal Affairs personnel insure that Department Procedures and the Penal Code are available at all Board meetings.
- In November of 1997, based on discussion and negotiation of issues and concerns raised by the Board, the Police Department instituted several policy changes.
- Slurs have been changed from Category II to Category I complaints.
- A box for complainants to check if they require an interpreter has been added to the Citizen's Complaint Form.
- A computer tracking system has been established by Internal Affairs to automatically report out any officer with three or more Category I complaints in a twelve month period. The Department's review and evaluation of the officer, including resulting action by the Department, will be reported to the Board annually for its comment and recommendations.
- A computer tracking system has been established by Internal Affairs to automatically report out any officer involved in two or more shootings in a twelve month period. The Department's review and evaluation of the officer, including resulting action by the Department, will be reported to the Board annually for its comment and recommendations.
- A summary report of all Category II Complaints and actions taken by the Department to address the issues raised by these complaints will be made annually to the Board.
- In a 1998 review of the Use of Force Policy, the Department, at the recommendation of the Board modified the use of Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) spray as follows: OC shall not be used on a person who is completely restrained in a safety control chair at any police facility.
- Internal Affairs changed their procedures regarding letters of findings sent to complainants. Final letters are no longer sent to complainants until the Review Board has completed its review.
- At the urging of the Board the Police Department has made changes to Department Procedure 1.14 (Accidents) in order to conform to City of San Diego Policy.
- The San Diego Police Department's Policies and Procedures are now made available to the Board in a regularly updated CD ROM format.
- The Chief of Police and/or the Executive Assistant Chief of Police now attends all Board Meetings.
- Office space for the Citizens' Review Board has been set aside in the Internal Affairs Unit. Copies of CRB and SDPD policies and procedures, government codes and other reference materials, as well as CRB computers available in the office improve the efficiency and timeliness of case review.
- Changes to the SDPD web site to make it more user friendly for the public were made by the Department at the Board's request.
- Changes to the Internal Affairs procedures manual regarding citizen complaints, officer involved shootings, in-custody deaths, and reception/investigation/routing procedures were adopted by the SDPD at the request of the Board.
- The SDPD has accepted a recommendation from the CRB to ensure that motorists and others are informed in a timely manner of the reason for their detention.
- The SDPD accepted a recommendation from the CRB to review its policy for delivering "stay away orders" from school administration officials by members of its Juvenile Service Teams.
- At the request of the CRB the SDPD has made changes to its policy for escorting detainees to restrooms.