Say No to Hate

Your City Attorney’s Office works with state and federal agencies to ensure that anyone committing a hate crime is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
A hate crime is a crime against a person, group, or property motivated by the victim's real or perceived protected social group. Examples include threats, verbal or written; physical assault or attempted assault; and hate-related graffiti, including swastikas and other offensive symbols.
If you have ever been targeted because of your disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, citizenship, immigration status, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation, we can help you:
- Get money for your losses. You may apply for money to cover your medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and other expenses.
- Obtain orders from the court. The court can issue a protective order to keep the defendant away from you or an order for the person to pay any attorney fees.
- Prosecute the offender. Anyone committing a hate crime can be tried and, if convicted, potentially sentenced to jail or prison.
The City Attorney’s Office participates in the San Diego Regional Hate Crimes Coalition, a group formed to unite law enforcement agencies with community-based organizations to tackle the issues presented by hate crimes in the community.
Where you can find help:
Contact 911 or go to a local hospital if you need immediate attention.
You can file a complaint with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing here or by calling toll-free 800-884-1684 or TTY 800-700-2320.
You can find additional resources online at the San Diego Safe Place Program, Anti-Defamation League, the City of San Diego Human Relations Commission, or the Fair Housing Council of San Diego.
Or call us at 619-236-6220.
We want to help you fight hate in our community!