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Office of the City Clerk

City Attorney Memoranda of Law

What is a Memorandum of Law?

A City Attorney Memorandum of Law is a response to a request typically posed by the Mayor, City Council (jointly or separately), any full commission, board, committee, or agency (whether or not Charter based), through that entity's executive director or City liaison, or Department Director, which narrowly applies the interpretation of the current law to a particular problem or situation.

These documents do not contain any referenced attachments or enclosures. Printed copies of all City Attorney Memorandum of Law are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. Questions about particular Legal Opinions should be directed to:

Law Librarian
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1100
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 533-5800

Memorandums from January 1986 through present are available.

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Memoranda of Law by Year

Official City Documents

Date Doc Num
10/13/1986 ML-86-123 Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act for Extension of Time
10/10/1986 ML-86-121 Public Release of Program Audits
10/03/1986 ML-86-119 Hubbs Marine Research Institute - Proposal to Lease Portion of Hospitality Point in Quivira Basin
09/29/1986 ML-86-116 Introduction of Ordinances and Minute entries in connection therewith
09/29/1986 ML-86-115 Political Activities
09/24/1986 ML-86-110 Police/Community Response Team
09/23/1986 ML-86-114 Potential Disqualification on Famosa Slough
09/17/1986 ML-86-112 Use of Conference Room
09/16/1986 ML-86-113 Housing Commission
09/16/1986 MS-86-6 The Requirement for a Caretaker at Condominium Complexes
09/16/1986 MS-86-7 Request Regarding Ten-Day Cancellation Clause on Certificate of Insurance and Alteration of Certificate of Insurance
09/16/1986 MS-86-7 Request Regarding Ten-Day Cancellation Clause on Certificate of Insurance and Alteration of Certificate of Insurance
09/15/1986 MS-86-5 Powers of the Mira Mesa Landscape Maintenance District
09/12/1986 ML-86-111 Housing Commission
09/09/1986 ML-86-106 Analysis of Charter Section 144
09/05/1986 ML-86-107 Downtown Sidewalk Ordinance
09/03/1986 ML-86-105 Balboa Park - Naval Hospital Property - Use for Olympic Training Facilities
09/03/1986 ML-86-104 Use of Complimentary Lodging
08/22/1986 ML-86-101 Contracting with Redhill Medical Group
08/21/1986 ML-86-103 Jurisdictional Authority of the 22nd District Agricultural Association
08/19/1986 ML-86-90 Hearing Conducted by the Retirement Board Adjudicators
08/19/1986 ML-86-89 Supplemental Pension Savings Plan - Withdrawal of Matching Employer Voluntary Contributions
08/19/1986 ML-86-99 Definition of Waste of Water
08/18/1986 ML-86-100 Acceptance of Part-time Teaching Position; Effect on 'Full-time' Council Duties Requirement
08/15/1986 ML-86-84 Conflict of Interest Issues Regarding the Appointment of Arthur Brody to the Library Commission
08/14/1986 ML-86-98 Bottled Water Service for Council
08/14/1986 ML-86-97 13th Check case settlement distribution; request by twenty-four 'nonclass action' retirees
08/14/1986 ML-86-96 Payment of 13th Check for 1983; Statute of Limitations
08/12/1986 ML-86-93 Special Class Safety Members, Retired (Letter from Frank Peters)
08/11/1986 ML-86-92 Gaslamp projects; Potential Conflict of Interest
08/11/1986 ML-86-94 Can PRD 85-0153/0154 (Camino Bernardo) Be Approved in the Face of Emergency Ordinance No. O-16686
08/11/1986 ML-86-91 Housing Commission; Appointment of Chairman by Mayor
08/08/1986 ML-86-95 Admission Refusal by County Mental Health Hospital Under Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5150; Duties and Responsibilities Concerning
08/01/1986 ML-86-88 Presidio Park - SDGE Easement - Proposed Relocation and Undergrounding of Existing Overhead Line
07/31/1986 MS-86-12 Use of Federally Seized and Forfeited Asset Proceeds
07/31/1986 ML-86-87 Proximity Requirements for Citizen's Arrest
07/30/1986 ML-86-86 Recordation of Zoning Variances
07/29/1986 ML-86-85 Item 335 on Docket of July 29, 1986
07/28/1986 MS-86-13 Revision of Memorandum of Law Regarding Investigation Procedure dated June 23, 1986
07/22/1986 ML-86-83 Indemnification and Hold Harmless Clauses in Architects and Engineers Contracts
07/17/1986 MS-86-16 Downtown Sidewalk Ordinance
07/16/1986 ML-86-82 Extension of Pump Station 64 Emergency Ordinance
07/15/1986 ML-86-78 Parliamentary Procedure - Point of Order
07/15/1986 ML-86-71 Potential Conflict of Interest Issues Concerning Airport Staff Off-duty Employment with Fixed Base Operators
07/15/1986 ML-86-81 RUIS
07/15/1986 ML-86-79 Contracts without Competitive Bidding
07/15/1986 ML-86-80 Bottle Water Service for City Council, et al.
07/14/1986 ML-86-74 Background Investigation Procedure
07/08/1986 ML-86-76 Advisory Election
06/30/1986 ML-86-75 Facilities Benefit Assessment 'Cash-Outs'