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Office of the City Clerk

City Attorney Memoranda of Law

What is a Memorandum of Law?

A City Attorney Memorandum of Law is a response to a request typically posed by the Mayor, City Council (jointly or separately), any full commission, board, committee, or agency (whether or not Charter based), through that entity's executive director or City liaison, or Department Director, which narrowly applies the interpretation of the current law to a particular problem or situation.

These documents do not contain any referenced attachments or enclosures. Printed copies of all City Attorney Memorandum of Law are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. Questions about particular Legal Opinions should be directed to:

Law Librarian
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1100
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 533-5800

Memorandums from January 1986 through present are available.

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Memoranda of Law by Year

Official City Documents

Date Doc Num
09/14/1989 ML-89-91 Continuances to Surviving Spouses
09/13/1989 ML-89-90 Applicability of California Code of Regulations, Titles 15 and 24
09/11/1989 ML-89-88 Potential Conflict of Interest Arising from Ownership of Property in the Peninsula Area
09/11/1989 ML-89-89 Use of Redevelopment Funds for Expansion of the St. Vincent de Paul Center
09/08/1989 ML-89-87 Potential Conflict of Interest Arising from Ownership of Real Property Near Proposed Chinese Mission
09/01/1989 ML-89-86 Filing Deadline for Charter Amendment Initiative (Superseded by ML-2000-6)
08/31/1989 ML-89-85 Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Proposal
08/21/1989 ML-89-84 Newsracks
08/16/1989 ML-89-83 Criteria for Issuance and Denial of Variances and Conditional Use Permits Including Findings of Fact
08/14/1989 ML-89-82 Employee Representation Issues
08/11/1989 ML-89-80 De Anza Mobilehome Park - Relocation and Redevelopment Issues
08/10/1989 ML-89-81 Payment of Group Health Insurance for Retirees
08/08/1989 ML-89-78 Potential Conflict of Interest Arising from Ownership of Real Property Near Chinese Mission/Item 601 Joint Meeting of City Council and Redevelopment Agency of August 1, 1989
08/08/1989 ML-89-79 Potential Conflict of Interest/Item 340 of Council Agenda of August 8, 1989 and Ownership of Four Properties
08/04/1989 ML-89-76 Designation of Candidate's Occupation on Ballot
07/28/1989 ML-89-75 Debt Limitation - Acquisition of Canyon Hills Residential Development - Charter Section 99
07/26/1989 ML-89-74 Miramar Lake Viewshed - Open Space - Potential Acquisition Through Assessment District or Other Method
07/21/1989 MS-89-1 Mission San Diego de Alcala
07/18/1989 ML-89-70 Door-to-Door Soliciting
07/17/1989 ML-89-72 Workers Congregating in Rancho Penasquitos
07/14/1989 ML-89-71 Sole Source Procedure
07/05/1989 ML-89-69 Use of Bonding Authority From Proposition C (1978) for New Open Space and Park Acquisition
06/27/1989 ML-89-68 San Diego Unified Port District Harbor Police
06/26/1989 ML-89-67 Mission Bay - Fiesta Island - Sludge Beds - State Lands Commission Authority
06/21/1989 ML-89-66 Automobile Lease From Ford Motor Company
06/19/1989 ML-89-65 Meaning of 'Material Financial Effect/Conflicts of Interest
06/19/1989 ML-89-64 San Diego Association of Governments Voting Formula
06/15/1989 ML-89-62 Withholding Reports/Public Record Law
06/15/1989 ML-89-61 City Employee Notarial Duties
06/14/1989 ML-89-60 Applicability of Ralph M. Brown Act to Rancho Penasquitos Park Allocation Committee
06/07/1989 ML-89-57 Traffic Congestion Problems in South Mission Beach
06/05/1989 ML-89-55 Mayor's Emergency Powers
06/05/1989 ML-89-56 Potential Conflict of Interest Arising from Council Discussion Regarding Proposed SDDPC Telecommunications Contract
06/01/1989 ML-89-54 Steel Toe Work Shoe Program - Water Utilities Department
05/31/1989 ML-89-53 Questions Posed as to Compliance with Copyright Law
05/25/1989 ML-89-52 Public Housing - California Constitution Article XXXIV - Davis v. City of Berkeley - Public Housing Project CA16-PO63-047 (North City West)
05/24/1989 ML-89-51 Clairemont Friendship Center Stop Notice from San Diego Climate
05/23/1989 ML-89-49 Conflict of Interest
05/23/1989 ML-89-50 Availability of Eastgate Technology Park
05/22/1989 ML-89-48 Mail Collection Boxes
05/15/1989 ML-89-47 California Coastal Commission Jurisdiction Over South Mission Beach Park Gates
05/10/1989 ML-89-46 Increase in Property Transfer Tax Rates
05/10/1989 ML-89-45 Daily Appointment Schedule
05/02/1989 ML-89-44 Utility Users' Tax
05/01/1989 ML-89-43 Enforcement of the Drug Paraphernalia Law
04/28/1989 ML-89-41 Potential Conflict of Interest/Councilmember as Member of Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation, Inc., and as Officer of Friends of Mission Trails Regional Park
04/26/1989 ML-89-40 Repeal of California Vehicle Code Section 41103
04/20/1989 ML-89-39 Potential Gift Problem from Charitable Fundraiser
04/07/1989 ML-89-37 Discount Coupons in City Publications
03/30/1989 ML-89-35 Long Term Disability