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Office of the City Clerk

City Attorney Memoranda of Law

What is a Memorandum of Law?

A City Attorney Memorandum of Law is a response to a request typically posed by the Mayor, City Council (jointly or separately), any full commission, board, committee, or agency (whether or not Charter based), through that entity's executive director or City liaison, or Department Director, which narrowly applies the interpretation of the current law to a particular problem or situation.

These documents do not contain any referenced attachments or enclosures. Printed copies of all City Attorney Memorandum of Law are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. Questions about particular Legal Opinions should be directed to:

Law Librarian
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1100
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 533-5800

Memorandums from January 1986 through present are available.

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Memoranda of Law by Year

Official City Documents

Date Doc Num
02/07/1990 ML-90-24 New Federal Restrictions on Lobbying/31 U.S.C. Section 1352
02/06/1990 ML-90-22 Public Facilities and Recreation Committee - Proposed 'Retreat' - Brown Act Requirements
02/06/1990 ML-90-23 Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program Policy on Excessive Force
01/30/1990 ML-90-21 City Power of Eminent Domain - Sports Arena and Related Parking Lot - Transfer to Private Operator
01/29/1990 ML-90-19 Section 125 Regulations
01/29/1990 ML-90-20 Pregnancy Benefits
01/26/1990 ML-90-18 Dissolution of Penasquitos Sewer Improvement District and Disposition of Surplus Funds
01/26/1990 ML-90-17 Underground Pipes Through Dedicated Park Lands
01/25/1990 ML-90-16 Internal Revenue Code Section 415 and its Affect on Retirement 'Buy Back' Options
01/24/1990 ML-90-15 Public Contract Code Sections 4100 and 4107.5
01/22/1990 ML-90-14 Prevailing Wages on all City Projects
01/22/1990 ML-90-13 Potential Conflict of Interest Arising from Ownership of Real Property/Item 335 on Council Docket of January 23, 1990
01/19/1990 ML-90-12 Open Enrollment Period for Aetna Choice Enrollees
01/18/1990 ML-90-10 Citizen's Review Board on Police Practices - 1989 Report
01/18/1990 ML-90-8 Cost Recovery of Production Costs of Video Tapes
01/18/1990 ML-90-9 Proposition A - Prevailing Wages Requirement
01/18/1990 ML-90-11 Article XXXIV - Potential Acquisition of Mt. Aguilar and Penasquitos Gardens Projects - Two Presently Privately Owned Federally Subsidized Housing Projects
01/18/1990 ML-90-7 Disposition of Excess Employer Matching Contributions to the Supplemental Pension Savings Plans
01/12/1990 ML-90-6 Potential Conflict of Interest/Council Docket Item 100, January 16, 1990, Regarding Purchase of Ford Auto and Truck Parts
01/11/1990 ML-90-5 Retirement Investment Accounting
01/10/1990 ML-90-3 Business Taxes - Cable Television Franchises
01/10/1990 ML-90-4 Regulating Commercial Vehicle Parking in Residential Districts
01/09/1990 ML-90-2 San Diego City Charter Sections 80 and 99; Applicability As They May Relate to Contemplated Major Construction Projects.
01/03/1990 ML-90-1 Limits on Contributions to Independent Committees/Election Workshop, January 12, 1990
12/29/1989 ML-89-118 Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Proposal
12/13/1989 ML-89-117 Propositions 68 and 73 (June 1988 Election); Assembly Bill 2297; and, Political Contributions in Non-Election Years
12/07/1989 ML-89-115 Local Preference
12/07/1989 ML-89-116 Maintaining Job Application Information by Gender and Ethnicity
11/30/1989 ML-89-112 'Utility Funds' in the Public Liability Reserve
11/29/1989 ML-89-113 SPSP/401(k) Cost Recovery
11/29/1989 ML-89-114 Who May Administer Oath of Office
11/27/1989 ML-89-110 Regulation of Unlicensed Contractors Through the Business Tax Certificate
11/21/1989 ML-89-109 Fire Department Documents as Evidence in Court
11/20/1989 ML-89-108 Potential Conflict of Interest Arising from Ownership of Real Property/Item No. 31 on Council Docket of November 20, 1989
11/17/1989 ML-89-107 Retention of Minutes of Closed Sessions
11/08/1989 ML-89-106 Perceived Problems of the EIR/EIS for Secondary Treatment Regarding the 'No Project' Alternative
11/02/1989 ML-89-105 'Utility Funds' in the Public Liability Reserve
10/30/1989 ML-89-103 Potential Conflict of Interest Arising from Ownership of Real Property Near Proposed Soledad Hills Subdivision in Pacific Beach
10/30/1989 ML-89-104 Linda Vista Village Mobilehome Park
10/23/1989 ML-89-101 Frances Maday v. City of San Diego, et al. San Diego Superior Court Case No. 597192
10/23/1989 ML-89-102 Cox Cable TV Franchise
10/18/1989 ML-89-100 Locker Searches
10/06/1989 ML-89-99 Public Hearings on Citizens' Complaints Against Peace Officers
10/05/1989 ML-89-98 Mayor's Signature on Official Documents as Possible Conflict of Interest
10/04/1989 ML-89-96 Resource Protection Ordinance
10/04/1989 ML-89-97 Applicability of the Internal Revenue Code Section 415 on the City Employees' Retirement System
09/29/1989 ML-89-95 Potential Conflict of Interest Pertaining to Columbia Redevelopment Project Proposed Negotiation Agreement with Koll-Davidson/Item 8 on Redevelopment Agency Agenda of October 3, 1989
09/26/1989 ML-89-94 Proposition C - Open Space Bonds - Proposal to Obtain Voter Authorization for Additional Bonds
09/25/1989 ML-89-93 Potential Conflict of Interest Arising from Ownership of Property in La Jolla Shores Planned District/Council Docket of September 25, 1989
09/21/1989 ML-89-92 Defendant's Assertion of the Defense of Laches