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Office of the City Clerk

City Attorney Memoranda of Law

What is a Memorandum of Law?

A City Attorney Memorandum of Law is a response to a request typically posed by the Mayor, City Council (jointly or separately), any full commission, board, committee, or agency (whether or not Charter based), through that entity's executive director or City liaison, or Department Director, which narrowly applies the interpretation of the current law to a particular problem or situation.

These documents do not contain any referenced attachments or enclosures. Printed copies of all City Attorney Memorandum of Law are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. Questions about particular Legal Opinions should be directed to:

Law Librarian
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1100
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 533-5800

Memorandums from January 1986 through present are available.

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Memoranda of Law by Year

Official City Documents

Date Doc Num
03/19/1991 ML-91-23 Permissibility of Employee Contributions to City Employees' Retirement System from an Employee's Flexible Benefit Plan or Management Benefit Plan Account
03/14/1991 ML-91-21 Potential Transient Transportation Tax Ordinance Revisions
03/14/1991 ML-91-22 Potential Conflict of Interest/Item 330 of Council Docket of March 19, 1991
03/05/1991 ML-91-19 Fire Department - Biennial Inspection Terminal Program
02/28/1991 ML-91-18 Campaign Control Ordinance/Payments for Meals as Contributions
02/28/1991 ML-91-17 Downtown Business Improvement District
02/14/1991 ML-91-16 City Heights Project Area Committee Closed Session
02/12/1991 ML-91-15 Effect on City Council Action of Pending Initiative Proposals
02/05/1991 ML-91-13 Tentative and Vesting Tentative Maps - Regulations to be Applied in the Review Process
02/04/1991 ML-91-14 Penasquitos Gardens/Mt. Aguilar Apartments - Housing Authority and City Council Actions Authorizing Issuance of Bonds for Acquisition
01/31/1991 MS-91-1 1. Claim for Legal Fees Incurred by Councilpersons Filner, Bernhardt and Hartley in Perez v. City of San Diego; 2. 1/30/91 Memorandum of Law Concerning Reimbursement for Outside Counsel; 3. 1/29/91 Memorandum of Law Concerning Potential Conflict of Inter
01/31/1991 ML-91-12 Proposed Deletion of an Exclusion from the Resource Protection Ordinance Concerning Development in Sorrento Hills
01/30/1991 ML-91-7 Reimbursement for Outside Counsel
01/29/1991 ML-91-6 Potential Conflict of Interest/Payment by City of Bills For Attorney Services Rendered to Individual Councilmembers
01/25/1991 ML-91-11 Section 125 Regulations and Health Flexible Spending Arrangements
01/18/1991 ML-91-10 Meaning of 'Nexus' Relating to Income Interests and Participation in Governmental Decisions/Conflict of Interest
01/16/1991 ML-91-9 Proposed Major Construction Contracts for City's Clean Water Program; Use of Liquidated Damages and Termination Provisos in the Absence of Annual Appropriations
01/15/1991 ML-91-8 Potential Conflict of Interest Arising from Sharing District Office Space with San Diegans United for Safe Neighborhoods
01/10/1991 ML-91-5 Proposed San Diego State University Foundation Redevelopment Project
01/09/1991 ML-91-4 Rental Unit Tax
01/09/1991 ML-91-2 Cost Allocation of Backflow Devices at Park and Recreation Facilities
01/09/1991 ML-91-3 Advertisement in Mira Mesa Sentinel
01/08/1991 ML-91-1 Taxation of Real Estate Salespersons
12/13/1990 ML-90-105 Effect of Redistricting on Recall Effort/Eligibility to Vote in Recall Election and Eligibility to Run as Successor-Candidate
12/12/1990 ML-90-104 Lunch Periods for Emergency Crews
12/11/1990 ML-90-103 Assignment and Delegation of Sewage Disposal Agreements
12/07/1990 ML-90-102 Scheduling of Placing Ordinance Calling Special Election for Recall on City Council Docket
12/03/1990 ML-90-101 Mandatory Social Security Coverage
11/09/1990 ML-90-98 Definition of Defined Benefit Plan
11/09/1990 ML-90-99 Broadway Plaza - Adjustment to Tax Roll
11/09/1990 ML-90-97 Review Board's Recommendation to the City Manager Regarding an Amendment to the Rules and Regulations Concerning Review of All Police Shootings that Result in Death or Injury
10/17/1990 ML-90-95 Distribution of HUD Letter Addressed to Mayor/Proposition 73 'Mass Mailing' Regulations
10/12/1990 ML-90-94 Potential Conflict of Interest/Item 200 on October 8, 1990, Docket Regarding Future Urbanizing Area
10/10/1990 ML-90-93 Federal Chemical Inventory Disclosure
10/09/1990 ML-90-92 Supplemental Petition - Recall
10/04/1990 ML-90-91 Safety Issues
09/07/1990 ML-90-90 Growth Management Consultant and Ex Parte Contact Guidelines
08/31/1990 ML-90-89 Proposed Revisions to Delivery of Paramedic Services and Compliance with Proposition 'G' 1982 Ballot
08/27/1990 ML-90-88 Applicability of Fish and Game Code Sections 1601 and 1603 to Lake Murray Hydrilla Eradication Project
08/01/1990 ML-90-86 Medical Examinations for Sworn Fire Department Personnel
07/27/1990 ML-90-85 Reportability of Pro Bono Legal Services
07/26/1990 ML-90-84 Purchase of Residual Chlorine Analyzers
07/18/1990 ML-90-82 Constituent Inquiry Card and 'Mass Mailing' Restrictions
07/18/1990 ML-90-80 Potential Conflict of Interest with Council Item 332, Docket of July 17, 1990
07/17/1990 ML-90-81 Assignment of Redevelopment Tax Increment Set-Aside Funds to the San Diego Trust Fund
07/05/1990 ML-90-79 Procedure and Comment on Modification of Sewer Capacity Charges Mandated by San Diego Municipal Code section 64.0410
07/05/1990 ML-90-78 Citizens' Review Board on Police Practices
07/03/1990 ML-90-77 Payment for Mid-City for Youth Conference
06/28/1990 ML-90-76 City Telephone Directories and Proposition 73 'Mass Mailing' Restrictions
06/27/1990 ML-90-75 Use of Interest Derived From Investment of Water Utility and Sewer Revenue Funds to Defray City Costs in Opposing Proposed SCE/SDGE Merger; Legality of