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Office of the City Clerk

City Attorney Memoranda of Law

What is a Memorandum of Law?

A City Attorney Memorandum of Law is a response to a request typically posed by the Mayor, City Council (jointly or separately), any full commission, board, committee, or agency (whether or not Charter based), through that entity's executive director or City liaison, or Department Director, which narrowly applies the interpretation of the current law to a particular problem or situation.

These documents do not contain any referenced attachments or enclosures. Printed copies of all City Attorney Memorandum of Law are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. Questions about particular Legal Opinions should be directed to:

Law Librarian
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1100
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 533-5800

Memorandums from January 1986 through present are available.

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Memoranda of Law by Year

Official City Documents

Date Doc Num
12/05/2018 MS-2018-15 Short-Term Rental Regulations
10/18/2018 MS-2018-13 San Diego Charter section 23: Council Action on Qualified Citizens' Initiatives
09/25/2018 ML-2018-7 Cannabis Business Tax Collection
09/24/2018 ML-2018-6 Minimum Wage Rate Increase for Calendar Year 2019
09/05/2018 MS-2018-12 Appointment of an Interim City Auditor
08/14/2018 MS-2018-11 Pipeline Alignment for the North City Pure Water Project – Phase I
07/20/2018 MS-2018-10 Collective Bargaining Requirements Related to Proposed Ballot Measure by Women Occupy San Diego to Amend the San Diego Charter to Establish a Commission on Police Practices
07/18/2018 MS-2020-29 Public Comment
07/06/2018 MS-2018-9 2018 Short Term Residential Occupancy Ordinance
06/29/2018 ML-2017-9 Funds Commision Jurisdiction Under Charter Section 41(a)
06/12/2018 MS-2018-8 City and Councilmember Liability for Actions Related to SDSU West
05/21/2018 MS-2018-7 Legal Guidance Regarding Housing Production Goals
05/07/2018 ML-2018-5 Analysis of Laws Governing Amendments to San Diego Charter Section 66: Board of Education Elections
04/27/2018 MS-2018-6 Animal Control Services Ordinance: Legal Implications of Labor Peace Agreement Language
03/13/2018 ML-2018-4 Audit Committee Oversight of City Auditor
03/02/2018 Ms-2018-4 Pacific Village Project: Consideration of Social and Economic Impacts Under the California Environmental Quality Act
02/28/2018 ML-2018-3 Right to Transient Occupancy Tax Appeal as to Late Penalties
02/23/2018 MS-2018-3 Chief of Police Confirmation
02/22/2018 MS-2018-2 The Legal Effect of the Rancho Penasquitos Community Plan Language
01/30/2018 ML-2018-2 Legality of Setting Traffic Citation Issuance Goals
01/24/2018 MS-2018-1 Exclusivity of City's Agreement with Deco Bike, LLC
01/03/2018 ML-2018-1 Downzoning of Water Utility Property Prior to Sale
12/22/2017 MS-2017-33 Police Chief Recruitment and Selection Process
12/11/2017 MS-2017-32 Indemnification of Recreation Council Members
11/29/2017 MS-2017-31 Recreation Councils
11/17/2017 MS-2017-30 Closed Session Actions That Must Be Publicly Reported
11/13/2017 ML-2017-8 Councilmember Absences
09/29/2017 MS-2017-28 Local Regulation of Marijuana Odors
09/29/2017 MS-2017-26 Chief of Police Recruitment
09/27/2017 MS-2017-25 Informational Items - Quorum Requirements and Permissible Motions
09/21/2017 MS-2017-23 Allocation of Use Tax Revenue to the City's Infrastructure Fund under San Diego Charter Section Section 77.1
09/21/2017 MS-2017-24 Sewer and Water Bond Covenants Related to Competing Enterprises
09/18/2017 MS-2017-22 Companion Unit Permitting and Impact Fee Information
09/14/2017 ML-2017-7 Timing of Election for Soccer City Citizen's Initiative
09/08/2017 MS-2017-20 Funds Collected by Recreation Councils
09/08/2017 MS-2017-21 Potential College Area Community Exemption to Companion Unit Ordinance
08/10/2017 MS-2017-19 Council Authority to Lease and Sell Real Property
08/04/2017 MS-2017-18 San Diego Charter Section 99 and the San Diego River Park and Soccer City Initiative
07/21/2017 MS-2017-16 Authority to Issue Requests for Proposal or Take Other Action Regarding Qualcomm Property Pending Vote Initiative
07/21/2017 MS-2017-17 Request for a Resolution Determining Specific Property to be Surplus Property
07/11/2017 MS-2017-15 Update re: Wells Fargo & Co. v. City of Miami and Bank of America Corp. v. City of Miami
06/28/2017 MS-2017-14 Discretionary Land Use Permit Findings and Standard of Review
06/09/2017 MS-2018-14 FIscal Year 2018 Budget and Twice Weekly Refuse Collections to Mission Beach Residences During the Summer Months
06/09/2017 MS-2017-13 Aprpoval of City Budget, Mayor Veto and Council Override
06/07/2017 ML-2017-6 Local Hire Requirement in Proposed Transient Occupancy Tax Measure
05/19/2017 ML-2017-5 Proposed Transient Occupancy Tax Measure and the Single Subject Rule
05/11/2017 MS-2017-12 Use of Parking Meter Revenue Generated Within Community Parking Districts
04/24/2017 MS-2017-11 Brown Act Requirements Concerning Public Comment
04/12/2017 MS-2017-8 Community Review Board on Police Practices’ Operational Standing Rule on Case Review Procedure
04/04/2017 ML-2017-4 California Supreme Court Decision: City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Smith)