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Office of the City Clerk

City Attorney Memoranda of Law

What is a Memorandum of Law?

A City Attorney Memorandum of Law is a response to a request typically posed by the Mayor, City Council (jointly or separately), any full commission, board, committee, or agency (whether or not Charter based), through that entity's executive director or City liaison, or Department Director, which narrowly applies the interpretation of the current law to a particular problem or situation.

These documents do not contain any referenced attachments or enclosures. Printed copies of all City Attorney Memorandum of Law are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. Questions about particular Legal Opinions should be directed to:

Law Librarian
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1100
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 533-5800

Memorandums from January 1986 through present are available.

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Memoranda of Law by Year

Official City Documents

Date Doc Num
09/29/2020 MS-2020-27 Closed Session Meeting related to City Auditor Appointment
09/08/2020 MS-2020-26 Response to Statements Alleged by the Office of the City Auditor in its Request to Obtain Independent Legal Counsel for the Office of the City Auditor
09/04/2020 MS-2020-25 Legal Update: New FPPC Rules Regarding Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest
09/03/2020 MS-2020-24 Preliminary Analysis of Draft Transparent and Responsible Use of Surveillance Technology Ordinance
08/25/2020 ms-2020-23 Option for Extension of Gas & Electric Franchise Agreements
08/14/2020 MS-2020-22 Response to August 6, 2020 Hearing Questions Regarding Item 603 – 101 Ash Street Project Status Update
08/10/2020 MS-2020-21 Ordinance to Remove Section 56.30 of the Municipal Code (Seditious Language)
08/05/2020 MS-2020-20 Application of Water and Sewer Fees for Accessory Dwelling Units
07/30/2020 MS-2020-19 Disclosure of Confidential Closed Session Materials Concerning 101 Ash Street
06/29/2020 MS-2020-18 City Council’s Role under the Charter in Adopting the Annual Appropriation Ordinance
06/15/2020 MS-2020-17 Overview of Purchase and Sale Agreement for the City's Sale of the SDCCU Stadium Site in Mission Valley to San Diego State University.
06/03/2020 MS-2020-16 Unpaid Utility Undergrounding Program Invoices and Documentation Dispute with SDG&E
05/22/2020 MS-2020-14 Sale of SDCCU Stadium Site to San Diego State University: Legal Issues Relating to the Protection of the City of San Diego’s Existing and Planned Future Water and Sewer Facilities and Groundwater Management Rights
05/22/2020 MS-2020-15 Draft Agreement for the City’s Sale of the SDCCU Stadium Site in Mission Valley to San Diego State University
05/21/2020 MS-2020-13 Exclusion of City Attorney Budget from CARES Act Funding
05/05/2020 MS-2020-12 Status Update Regarding Negotiations Related to the Purchase of the SDCCU Stadium Site in Mission Valley by San Diego State University
05/01/2020 MS-2020-11 Status Update Regarding Negotiations Related to the Purchase of the SDCCU Stadium Site in Mission Valley by San Diego State University
04/17/2020 MS-2020-10 Shared Mobility Devices: Parking Enforcement and Towing
03/05/2020 MS-2020-6 Use of Community Projects, Programs and Services Funds to Design and Construct a Non-Standard Community Identification Sign
02/28/2020 MS-2020-5 Public Information Office
02/18/2020 MS-2020-4 Update Regarding Negotiations Related to the Purchase of the SDCCU Stadium Site in Mission Valley by San Diego State University
02/06/2020 MS-2020-3 Preliminary Response to Interim Auditor's Request for Independent Legal Counsel
01/31/2020 MS-2020-2 Response Request to Retain Outside Legal Counsel
01/09/2020 MS-2020-1 City of San Diego's Response to San Diego State University's Offer to Purchase the SDCCU Stadium in Mission Valley
12/13/2019 MS-2019-27 Hotline Report of Public Records Act Responses
12/12/2019 MS-2019-26 Requirements and Limitations Governing Communications with a Lobbyist Concerning a Contract to be Competitively Bid
11/19/2019 MS-2019-25 San Diego State University's Offer of October 28, 2019, to purchase the SDCCU Stadium Site in Mission Valley
10/09/2019 MS-2019-24 Online Collaboration Tools
09/30/2019 MS-2019-23 Roles of Mayor and City Council in the Granting of Franchises
09/24/2019 ML-2019-1 Utility Undergrounding Project Block 70 and Alvarado Estates
09/20/2019 MS-2019-22 Public Records Act Request for City Staff Directory Information
08/13/2019 MS-2019-20 Roles of Civil Service Commission and Personnel Director in Determining Applicant Qualifications for City Employment in Classified Positions Subject to SDPD Security Background Checks
07/31/2019 MS-2019-19 Expenditure of Measure N Tax Revenues
07/19/2019 MS-2019-17 Federal Telecommunications Policy: Legal issues
07/19/2019 MS-2019-18 Companion Units and Residential Parking Permit Program
05/21/2019 MS-2019-16 Shared Mobility Devices Ordinance - Item 54: City Council Meeting May 14, 2019
05/21/2019 MS-2019-15 Appointment of City Auditor
05/09/2019 MS-2019-14 Vehicle Habitation Ordinance
05/08/2019 MS-2019-13 Potential Application of the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act to the Activities of the NTC Foundation
05/06/2019 MS-2019-12 Redistricting of Board Districts on the San Diego Unified School District Board of Education
04/23/2019 MS-2019-11 Prorated Payment of the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee
04/04/2019 MS-2019-9 Real Estate Negotiations Exception to the Open Meeting Requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act
03/29/2019 MS-2019-8 Sale of Former Redevelopment Agency Property at 6901-21 Linda Vista Road
03/15/2019 MS-2019-7 Accessibility Requirements and the Proposed Ordinance Adopting Parking Regulations for Development in Transit Priority Areas
03/13/2019 MS-2019-6 Councilmember Abstention from Voting on Matters
03/07/2019 MS-2019-5 Follow-up re: Councilmember Participation in SDSU West Negotiations
02/05/2019 MS-2019-4 Prevailing Wage Compliance on Affordable Housing Projects
01/18/2019 MS-2019-2 Leasing of the North Chapel and the NTC Foundation
01/17/2019 MS-2019-3 Case Law Update Relating to the California Public Records Act Cost Recovery
01/07/2019 MS-2019-1 Councilmember Participation in SDSU West Negotiations