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Office of the City Clerk

City Attorney Reports

What is an Attorney Report?

A City Attorney Report is a report on the status of the law in any given area, or prepared upon the initiative of the City Attorney or staff, when a matter of importance comes to the attention of the Mayor and City Council (jointly), Council Committees, City Manager, Charter-based Commissions, Boards, or Agencies.

These documents do not contain any referenced attachments or enclosures. Printed copies of all City Attorney Memorandum of Law are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. Questions about particular Legal Opinions should be directed to:

Law Librarian
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1100
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 533-5800

Attorney Reports from July 1985 through present are available.

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City Attorney Reports by Year

Official City Documents

Date Number Title
07/01/1991 RC-91-35 Summitt v. City of San Diego, et al.
06/28/1991 RC-91-34 Jesse Tyree v. City of San Diego, et al.
06/20/1991 RC-91-32 Potential Conflict of Interest Arising From Proposed Management Audit of San Diego Data Processing Corporation
06/06/1991 RC-91-30 U.S.A. v. The City of San Diego, U.S. District Court No. 88-1101
06/06/1991 RC-91-31 Drug Abatement Response Team (DART) - Fiscal Year 1992
05/24/1991 RC-91-29 Legal Issues Relating to Potential Moratorium on Approvals for Residential Developments in the Otay Mesa Area
05/21/1991 RC-91-28 Alternatives for Limiting Alcohol Consumption at City Beaches
05/20/1991 RC-91-27 Closed Session for Appointment of Planning Director; Application of the Personnel Exception of the Brown Act
05/09/1991 RC-91-25 Referendum Petition to Repeal Ordinance No. O-17609 Relating to the Ban of Alcohol at Certain City Parks and Beaches.
05/02/1991 RC-91-23 MBE/WBE Goals - Award of Contracts to Next Low Bidder
05/01/1991 RC-91-24 Proposed Ethics Commission
04/29/1991 RC-91-22 The Putnam Foundation, Inc., etc., The San Diego Museum of Art, etc. v. The City of San Diego, Committee of 100, San Diego Superior Court Case No. 629118
04/26/1991 RC-91-20 Environmental Mediation Program
04/26/1991 RC-91-21 Single Family Zone Rental Regulations
04/15/1991 RC-91-19 Item 601 on Docket of April 12, 1991 Certification of Joint EIR/EIS Regarding Secondary Treatment
04/05/1991 RC-91-16 Russell K. Cruz, et al. v. City of San Diego, San Diego Superior Court Case No. 601417
04/05/1991 RC-91-18 City Attorney's Code Enforcement Unit-Caseload Statistics, Fines and Civil Penalties
04/03/1991 RC-91-17 U.S.A. v. City of San Diego, Case No. 88-1101
04/02/1991 RC-91-15 Judicial Penalties
03/26/1991 RC-91-13 Louis Jevitzky v. City of San Diego, et al., Municipal Court Case No. 473376
03/22/1991 RC-91-14 Community Planning Groups Taking a Position on Ballot Measures - Letter From Mr. Jim Madaffer, Chair of Community Planning Chairmen (CPC)
03/21/1991 RC-91-10 Brian Westermier, et al. v. City of San Diego, et al., San Diego Superior Court Case No. 614512
03/07/1991 RC-91-12 Methadone Treatment Facility - Nonconforming Uses - Imposing Time Limit in Which to Discontinue Use
02/22/1991 RC-91-11 Power of the City Council to Delegate Subpoena Power to the Human Relations Commission
02/06/1991 RC-91-9 Proposed Establishment of a Citizens' Charter Convention
01/31/1991 RC-91-2 Wilbert A. Kelley, Jr. vs. City of San Diego, et al., San Diego Superior Court Case No. 574475
01/29/1991 RC-91-8 Amendments to the Resource Protection Ordinance (San Diego Municipal Code Section 101.0462)
01/18/1991 RC-91-7 Summary of Appropriations to Fund City's Opposition to Proposed Merger of Southern California Edison Company and San Diego Gas & Electric Company and Summary of Exoenditures
01/10/1991 RC-91-6 MBE/WBE Goals
01/09/1991 RC-91-4 Proposed Special Act District Legislation
01/08/1991 RC-91-5 Settlement of Consumer Protection Action: People v. Laidlaw Waste Systems, Inc.
01/08/1991 RC-91-3 Appeal of Massage Technician
01/02/1991 RC-91-1 Proposed First Amendment to Bylaws of San Diego Festivals, Inc.
12/20/1990 RC-90-66 An Amendment of the Subdivision Regulations to Conform San Diego Municipal Code Section 102.0201 With the Provisions of California Government Code Section 66474.2 Relating to the Regulations to be Utilized in the Tentative Map Review Process
12/13/1990 RC-90-65 Effect of Redistricting on Recall
12/05/1990 RC-90-64 Revised Draft of Legislative Language For Creation of Special Act District
11/26/1990 RC-90-61 Recovery of Public Nuisance Abatement Costs - AB 3510
11/26/1990 RC-90-63 Point Loma Nazarene College - Conditional Use Permit - Encroachments on Public Park Land - Drainage Problems - Item 337, Docket of October 16, 1990 - Continued to Docket of November 27
11/19/1990 RC-90-60 Ethics/Elections Reforms
11/14/1990 RC-90-58 Enactment of an Ordinance Establishing a Human Relations Commission for the City of San Diego
11/14/1990 RC-90-59 Cable Television Services
11/08/1990 RC-90-57 Proposed Merger Between Southern California Edison Company and San Diego Gas and Electric Company; Hearings Before the California Public Utilities Commission ('CPUC')
11/05/1990 RC-90-56 Pomerado Road
10/24/1990 RC-90-54 Draft Ordinance Amending San Diego Municipal Code Pertaining to Eliminate Supplemental Petitions in Local Recall Elections
10/16/1990 RC-90-53 Closed Session 'Leaks'
10/16/1990 RC-90-51 Abbott, et al. v. City of San Diego, et al., San Diego Superior Court No. 628781
10/15/1990 RC-90-52 Housing Commission - Proposed Acquisition of Mt. Aguilar and Penasquitos Gardens Properties - Alvin I. Malnik Housing Authority Agenda, October 15, 1990 - Item No. 2
10/04/1990 RC-90-50 Street Vacation - Concept of Vacating Street and Reserving the Right to Rededicate at Some Future Time
10/01/1990 RC-90-49 Mayoral Appointment (Docket of October 2, 1990 - Item 332)
09/25/1990 RC-90-48 Fairbanks Highlands, etc.