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Office of the City Clerk

City Attorney Reports

What is an Attorney Report?

A City Attorney Report is a report on the status of the law in any given area, or prepared upon the initiative of the City Attorney or staff, when a matter of importance comes to the attention of the Mayor and City Council (jointly), Council Committees, City Manager, Charter-based Commissions, Boards, or Agencies.

These documents do not contain any referenced attachments or enclosures. Printed copies of all City Attorney Memorandum of Law are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. Questions about particular Legal Opinions should be directed to:

Law Librarian
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1100
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 533-5800

Attorney Reports from July 1985 through present are available.

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City Attorney Reports by Year

Official City Documents

Date Number Title
03/12/1992 RC-92-24 Draft Language to Change The San Diego City Charter to Allow A Policy For Bid Preferences For Local Contractors
02/28/1992 RC-92-22 U.S.A. v. The City of San Diego, U.S. District Court No. 88-1101-B
02/21/1992 RC-92-18 June 2, 1992 Election/Items 53, 100 AND S412 on Council Docket of February 24, 1992
02/21/1992 RC-92-19 City Attorney's Code Enforcement Unit-Caseload Statistics, Fines and Civil Penalties
02/21/1992 RC-92-20 Code Enforcement Update - Revisions and Reorganization of Chapter One of the Municipal Code
02/21/1992 RC-92-21 Proposed Amendments To Charter Section 55 - Dedicated Park Land
02/18/1992 RC-92-17 Proposed Charter Amendment - Doing Business With Anonymous Parties - Item S403D - 2-18-92 Docket
02/14/1992 RC-92-16 Council Committee System - Council Docket Item 206, February 18, 1992
02/12/1992 RC-92-15 Proposed Charter Amendment to Create Redistricting Commission/Council Docket of February 18, 1992
02/10/1992 RC-92-13 Proposed Amendment to City Charter Regarding: Responsibility of Officers to Report to Council
02/10/1992 RC-92-14 Proposal to Place Alcohol Ban on June 1992 Ballot/Item 402(d) on February 10, 1992 Docket
02/10/1992 RC-92-10 Proposed Amendment to Charter Section 103, Franchises (Item S402(C) of February 10 Docket)
02/10/1992 RC-92-11 Proposed Charter Amendment to Create Redistricting Commission/Council Docket Item S402(B), February 10, 1992
02/10/1992 RC-92-12 Proposed Amendment to People's Ordinance of 1919 (Trash Ordinance)/Council Docket of February 10, 1992, Item S408
02/07/1992 RC-92-8 Proposed Amendments to Charter Section 55 - Dedicated Park Land
02/05/1992 RC-92-7 Three-Party Agreements for the Preparation of Environmental Impact Reports
02/03/1992 RC-92-5 Revisions to Proposed Amendments to the San Diego Municipal Election Campaign Ordinance
02/03/1992 RC-92-6 In The Matter of The Continued Discussion of The Council Committee System - Item S503, Docket of February 4, 1992
01/31/1992 RC-92-4 Proposed Measures for June 2, 1992 Ballot
01/21/1992 RC-92-3 Proposed Amendments to the San Diego Municipal Election Campaign Control Ordinance
01/13/1992 RC-92-2 Status of the Human Dignity Ordinance
01/10/1992 RC-92-1 Proposed Amendments to the San Diego Municipal Election Campaign Control Ordinance
12/13/1991 RC-91-63 Kreisner v. City of San Diego
12/04/1991 RC-91-62 Mobile Home Overlay Zone - Applicability to De Anza Mobile Home Park
12/03/1991 RC-91-60 Planned Growth and Taxpayer Relief Initiative
12/03/1991 RC-91-61 Paulson, et al. v. City of San Diego, U.S. District Court No. 89-0820 (GT)
12/03/1991 RC-91-59 Seizing Vehicles in Prostitution Cases
11/26/1991 RC-91-58 Environmental Mediation Program
11/22/1991 RC-91-57 Proposed Charter Amendments Establishing Two Term Limit for Elected City Officials
11/20/1991 RC-91-55 Increasing Participation in City Contracting of Firms Owned by Minority Women
11/20/1991 RC-91-56 Preference to Local Firms on City Contracts
11/18/1991 RC-91-54 Expansion of Fortified Wines Ordinance
11/13/1991 RC-91-53 City Reservoirs - Use of Water Utility Funds to Pay for Construction, Maintenance or Operation of Various Facilities Used by the Public for Recreation Purposes
11/06/1991 RC-91-52 Proposed Charter Amendments and Ordinances
10/24/1991 RC-91-51 Formation of an Elections, Campaign and Governmental Ethics Advisory Board
10/22/1991 RC-91-48 City Water Rights in San Pasqual Valley - Public Facilities and Recreation Committee Meeting of October 23, Item No. 2
10/22/1991 RC-91-49 The Matter of the Employment Contract With the Executive Director
10/15/1991 RC-91-50 Dismissal of Appeal in U.S.A. v. City of San Diego, Case No. 88-1101-B
10/04/1991 RC-91-47 Water Rates Fixed by the County Water Authority and Metropolitan Water District
09/26/1991 RC-91-46 Environmental Mediation Program
09/23/1991 RC-91-44 Personnel Changes
09/23/1991 RC-91-45 San Diego Municipal Election Campaign Control Ordinance
08/29/1991 RC-91-43 Planned Growth and Taxpayer Relief Initiative
08/23/1991 RC-91-42 Sewtech Engineering, Inc. v. City of San Diego, et al., San Diego Superior Court Case No. 575232
08/20/1991 RC-91-41 Staff Appointments
08/13/1991 RC-91-40 Lincoln Pickard v. San Diego CIty Council, et al., San Diego Superior Court Case No. 639028
08/05/1991 RC-91-39 Legality of Ordinance on Same Subject Matter as Ordinance Subject to Successful Referendum Petition
08/02/1991 RC-91-38 City Public Utility Advisory Commission; Proposed Formation of
08/01/1991 RC-91-37 Scott Weiner v. City of San Diego, et al., Court of Appeal Case No. D012274 San Diego Superior Court Case No. 618187
07/15/1991 RC-91-36 City Public Utility Advisory Commission; Proposed Formation of