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Office of the City Clerk

City Attorney Reports

What is an Attorney Report?

A City Attorney Report is a report on the status of the law in any given area, or prepared upon the initiative of the City Attorney or staff, when a matter of importance comes to the attention of the Mayor and City Council (jointly), Council Committees, City Manager, Charter-based Commissions, Boards, or Agencies.

These documents do not contain any referenced attachments or enclosures. Printed copies of all City Attorney Memorandum of Law are available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office, 202 "C" Street, Second Floor, San Diego, CA. Questions about particular Legal Opinions should be directed to:

Law Librarian
Office of the City Attorney
1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1100
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 533-5800

Attorney Reports from July 1985 through present are available.

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City Attorney Reports by Year

Official City Documents

Date Number Title
10/12/1994 RC-94-42 Contracting Out Misdemeanor Prosecution
10/03/1994 RC-94-38 Biennial Report on Updates of Conflict of Interest Codes
09/12/1994 RC-94-37 Regulations on Public Consumption of Alcohol and Open Containers TAINERS
08/03/1994 RC-94-33 Mira Lago Park Conservancy, et al. v. City of San Diego, et al., Eleanor A. Johnson v. City of San Diego, et al., Steinberg v. City of San Diego, et al.
07/29/1994 RC-94-32 Special Municipal Election of November 8, 1994
07/27/1994 RC-94-30 Zoning Code Update
07/27/1994 RC-94-31 Item 120, Council Docket of June 20, 1994 - Route Slip Regarding Additional Funds for the Fire Department Support Services Complex
07/22/1994 RC-94-28 Collection of Emergency Response Cost Recovery Fees
06/23/1994 RC-94-26 Prostitution Loitering Ordinance
06/22/1994 RC-94-25 City Attorney Budget Fiscal Year 1995
06/10/1994 RC-94-24 Draft Amendments to Curfew Ordinance
05/03/1994 RC-94-21 Retention of Bond Counsel for the Proposed San Diego Entertainment and Sports Center
04/22/1994 RC-94-20 Proposed Amendments to the San Diego Municipal Election Campaign Control Ordinance
03/31/1994 RC-94-18 U.S.A. v. City of San Diego Case No. 88-1101-B
03/04/1994 RC-94-15 North City Future Urbanizing Area - Proposed Ballot Proposition - Supplemental Report
03/03/1994 RC-94-14 Item S401 on March 7, 1994, Docket/Proposed Ballot Language for Amending Charter Section12 Pertaining to Filling Council Vacancies
03/03/1994 RC-94-16 Item-S400, Subitem C, on March 7, 1994, Docket/Proposed Ballot Language for a Phase Shift Measure for the North City Future Urbanizing Area for the June 7, 1994 Ballot
02/28/1994 RC-94-13 Proposed Ordinance Calling Election for June 7, 1994 for Two Ballot Propositions
02/28/1994 RC-94-12 Proposed Amendments to Charter Section 12 Pertaining to Filling Council Vacancies for Election Ordinance for June 7, 1994/Item No. 331 on the March 1, 1994 Docket
02/25/1994 RC-94-11 Distribution of Commercial Handbills on Hotel and Motel Property
02/23/1994 RC-94-10 1993 Amendments to Ralph M. Brown Act (California Open Meetings Law)
02/14/1994 RC-94-9 Recent Fair Political Practices Commission Ruling, on Reporting Reimbursements From the League of California Cities on Statements of Economic Interest
02/02/1994 RC-94-8 Appointment of Janis Sammartino to the Bench
02/01/1994 RC-94-7 Disadvantaged Small Business Program Proposal
01/28/1994 RC-94-6 Possible Charter Amendments for Filling City Council Vacancies
01/28/1994 RC-94-5 Establishing a Permanent Advisory Board for Civic Events and Promotional Programs -- Item 150 - Council Docket of January 31, 1994
01/19/1994 RC-94-3 Implementation of Collection of Fines and Warrants
01/12/1994 RC-94-2 Council Staff Docket Meetings
01/10/1994 RC-94-1 Enforcement Issues Under Current City Campaign Finance Control Law
12/17/1993 RC-93-55 Decker v. Civil Service Commission of The City of San Diego
12/15/1993 RC-93-54 Kreisner v. City of San Diego (Balboa Park Nativity Scene)
11/16/1993 RC-93-50 Implementation of Collection of Fines and Warrants
11/05/1993 RC-93-49 Pay Telephone Ordinance
10/11/1993 RC-93-45 U.S.A. v. City of San Diego, Case No. 88-1101-B
09/27/1993 RC-93-44 Annual Agreement with the University of San Diego Law School to Establish the Center for Municipal Dispute Resolution for Fiscal Year 1994
09/24/1993 RC-93-43 Multiple Species Conservation Program
09/24/1993 RC-93-42 Legal Authority and Potential Liability for City's Entrepreneurship Program
09/14/1993 RC-93-41 Drug Loitering Ordinance
09/13/1993 RC-93-40 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Complaints
09/08/1993 RC-93-39 Substandard Housing Task Force
08/03/1993 RC-93-38 Draft Ordinance Prohibiting Aggressive Solicitation
07/29/1993 RC-93-37 Pay Phone Proliferation and Criminal Activity
07/21/1993 RC-93-36 Linda Vista Interim Ordinance
07/15/1993 RC-93-35 Amending the San Diego City Charter Regarding Provisions For Filling City Council Vacancies
07/02/1993 RC-93-33 San Diego Area Wastewater Management District Weighted Vote
07/01/1993 RC-93-32 City Council Guidelines on Ex Parte Communications by Councilmembers
06/25/1993 RC-93-30 Special Assessments for Security Services
05/25/1993 RC-93-28 Draft Ordinance Prohibiting the Picketing of Private Residences
05/25/1993 RC-93-29 Agreement for Legal Services With Lewis, D'Amato, Brisbois & Bisgaard
05/24/1993 RC-93-27 Enforcement of Graffiti Laws