Regular Trash and Recycling Collection Schedule on Week of César Chávez Day

Curbside trash, recyclables, and organic waste WILL BE collected as scheduled on Monday, March 31st, for customers served by the City's Environmental Services Department.
Applicable to residents serviced by the City of San Diego only. Residents not serviced by the City of San Diego or residents of other cities, should check with their waste hauler for holiday service schedules.
The Miramar Landfill, Greenery, Recycling Center and Mattress Collection Site will be OPEN on Monday, March 31st. Container sales at 8353 Miramar Place will also be CLOSED. For regular hours and questions, call 858-694-7000.
Trash is normally collected weekly, Monday - Friday, 6 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Your collection day depends on where you live in the City. Trash must be set out at the curb or alleyway by 6 a.m. for pickup. To help prevent litter in our neighborhoods, please bag or wrap all loose trash material before you place it in your trash container. However, please keep your recyclable materials clean, unbagged and loose in your blue container.