Report Stormwater Pollution

We need your help to protect water quality. If you see anything other than water from a rain event in the curb, gutter, alley, or street, please let us know. Some examples include but are not limited to: irrigation water runoff, oil, grease, swimming pool and spa water, construction waste (including sediment), landscaping waste, wash water, and power washing waste water. All of these discharges pose a threat to the health of local waterways. Only rain is allowed down the drain.
There are several ways to report a storm water pollution concern. You can email your report to You may call our Storm Water Pollution Hotline at 619-235-1000. Or, you can use the Get it Done App. If you notice a violation actively occurring during business hours, calling the hotline will ensure the issues are addressed in the quickest way possible.
When reporting a storm water violation, please provide photos if possible and a detailed description including the time, location, type of substance, and when the violation occurred. This will help the City’s Code Enforcement officers perform quick and thorough investigations. Please also include your contact information so that a Code Enforcement Officer can get in touch with you should they need further information about the violation.
To report other water waste that does not reach the storm drain system, such as over irrigation to sidewalks or driveways, please call the Public Utilities Department at 619-533-5271 or email them at For more information about water conservation, visit their website.