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City Council

The People's Business - November 8, 2021

Councilmembers will consider the future of Fiesta Island in Mission Bay.  The California Coastal Commission suggested modifications to plans to alter the recreational area, which were approved by the City Council in 2019.  


City Council Meeting – November 9, 2021

Details of the meeting’s agenda can be found here:  View Meeting - OnBase Agenda Online (  The general schedule of the meeting is:

10 a.m. – Minutes, Consent Agenda, ceremonial proclamations, Closed Session public comment, non-agenda public comment

11 a.m. – Closed Session

2 p.m. – Discussion Agenda


14 items fill the consent agenda including the Council President’s nomination for Interim Independent Budget Analyst, designating Councilmember Elo-Rivera as the City council Liaison to the Youth Commission and second readings of several items.


Three ceremonial proclamations will be considered:

  1. Bob Hansen Day honors a man, commonly known as “Consumer Bob” on NBC 7, who has helped audiences for decades with his consumer investigations, financial tips and scam awareness.


  1. Gwynne Bruck’s Dasha on the Trail Day celebrates a book introducing young readers to wildlife and natural landscapes in Mission Trails Regional Park.


  1. Andrea Tevlin IBAAndrea Tevlin Day recognizes the City’s first Independent Budget Analyst who has served the people of San Diego for 30 years.  





On the Discussion Agenda…


Fiesta Island Plan


Item 330 - California Coastal Commission Modifications to Fiesta Island Amendment to the Mission Bay Park Master Plan – Councilmembers will consider approval of the California Coastal Commission Modifications to the Fiesta Island Amendment to the Mission Bay Park Master Plan.  On June 10, 2021, the California Coastal Commission approved the Fiesta Island Amendment to the Mission Bay Park Master Plan to the City of San Diego Local Coastal Program with a few modifications which are listed in the Staff Report.  



Item 331 - State of California Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Round 3 (HHAP-3) Grant – This action will authorize the Chief Financial Officer to accept, appropriate, and expend up to $5,496,187.84 of the initial 20% of State of California Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Round 3 grant funds.



To participate in the meeting, click on the agenda and follow the instructions

You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or  stream it online (external link). 

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