The People’s Business – March 3, 2025
On Tuesday, Councilmembers will reconsider previous decisions to remove footnote 7 from the San Diego Municipal Code and a previous request for City staff to repeal the City’s ADU Density Bonus Law. This is needed to minimize the risk of an alleged violation of the Brown Act. The Council will also consider pass-through water rate hikes.
From the Office of Council President Joe LaCava
City Council Meeting – March 4, 2025 – 10 a.m.
10 a.m. – Consent Agenda, Proclamations, Information and Adoption Agenda, Non-agenda Public Comment
2 p.m. – Informational Items, Discussion Items
Consent Agenda
The 12 items on the Consent Agenda include allocations for Community Projects, Programs, and Services (CPPS) funding for Council District 1, 2, 3, and 6.
Item 30 – Guam History and Chamorro Heritage Day
This item recognizes the history and heritage of the indigenous people of the US territories of Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands.
Item 31 – CRY San Diego Holi Festival of Colors
This item celebrates Holi, an ancient festival of Hindu origins and one of the most important annual celebrations for people worldwide. Locally the celebration will be hosted by the Child Rights & You (CRY) San Diego Action Center on March 8, 2025.
Item S500 – 130th Anniversary of Pacific Beach Woman’s Club Day
This item honors the group which was established in 1895 to enrich the lives of the women living in the Pacific Beach and raise funds for people who need help, such as homeless teens, domestic violence victims, and victims of human trafficking.
Item S501 – Women in Construction Week
This proclamation recognizes the need to improve women’s recruitment and retention in skilled construction jobs which is critically important in helping to close the workforce skills gap, build the middle class, and help meet the needs of the 21st century.
Discussion Items — to be heard at the 10 a.m. session
Item S507 – Accessory Dwelling Unit Bonus Program
This item would request City Staff to return to City Council within 60 days with an action item to repeal the ADU Bonus Program from the San Diego Municipal Code, conforming the local ADU Bonus Program to state mandated ADU regulations for single-family zoned parcels.
The ADU Bonus Program was established to incentivize the production of Accessory Dwelling Units beyond state-mandated regulations.
However, concerns have been raised regarding the ADU Bonus Program’s impact on neighborhoods.
Item 330 – San Diego Municipal Code Amendment to Section 131.0431 Development Regulations Table 131-04D Related to RS-1-2 Zones in the Encanto Neighborhoods and Southeastern San Diego Community Planning Areas and Rescission of City Council’s Actions on Item 331 on January 28, 2025, Related to this Item and to the City’s ADU Density Bonus Program; Process 5.
On January 28, 2025, the City Council voted to remove footnote 7 from the municipal code and requested staff return to City Council with an action to remove the City’s ADU Density Bonus Program.
To minimize the risk from an alleged Brown Act violation, the Council will consider rescinding the January 28 decision and introducing an ordinance amendment for the removal of footnote 7.
Discussion Item — to be heard at the 2 p.m. session
Item 331 – Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Water Rate Increase Not to Exceed 5.5% to Pass Through Increases from San Diego County Water Authority
This public hearing is to discuss and vote on a proposal to increase City of San Diego water rates to cover San Diego County Water Authority charges for water purchases. Councilmembers will consider the pass-through rate increase not to exceed 5.5% effective May 1, 2025, to reflect wholesale rate increases from the San Diego County Water Authority.
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