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City Council

The People’s Business – March 18, 2025

Three committees meet this week. Rules Committee discusses updates to Council Policies regarding ‘San Diego Stadium’. CNS Committee gets a briefing on the operations of Meals on Wheels of San Diego County. ATI will discuss creating an emergency CIP Fund for the Mission Beach Lifeguard Station and a Comprehensive Parking Reform Package.


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From the Office of Council President Joe LaCava


Rules Committee Meeting – March 19, 2025 – 9 a.m.

Rules Committee Meeting Agenda

Item 1 – Approval of Committee Minutes
Item 2 - Repeal of Council Policies 700-21 and 700-40 related to the San Diego Stadium

This item recommends that the City Council repeal Council Policies 700-21 and 700-40 which refer to “San Diego Stadium” also known as the former Qualcomm Stadium or Jack Murphy Stadium which no longer exists.

Item 3 – Update to Council Policy 600-08, Underground Conversion of Utility Lines by Utility Company

This item is a proposed update to Council Policy 600-08 which will include streamlining of utilities undergrounding processes, cleanup of unclear verbiage and redundant language, removal of Rule 20A content due to changes made by the California Public Utilities Commission, and additional language to allow inclusion of new tree plantings and watering establishment.

Item 4 – Selection of an Official Flower for the City of San Diego

The City of San Diego has an official flower (the carnation), an official urban tree (the Jacaranda), and an official native tree (the Torrey Pine).

In recognition of the importance of native species to our local ecosystem, San Diego Bird Alliance has been receiving input from the public and a stakeholder working group to update the official flower to a native species.

This item requests the drafting of a resolution to update the Official Flower to a native species based on the proposed selection process.



Community and Neighborhood Services Committee Meeting – March 19, 2025 – 2 p.m.

CNS Committee Meeting Agenda


Consent Agenda

Item 1 – Approval of Committee Minutes
Item 2 - Approval of Second Amendment to Contract with Innovative Interfaces Inc. for Library Systems Maintenance and Support Services

On March 1, 2019, the City of San Diego executed an agreement with Innovative Interfaces Inc. for integrated library systems maintenance and support services for an original total contract value of $1,234,591.01.

On July 1, 2019, the City entered into a First Amendment to the Contract to include dedicated server support for one year at an additional cost of $9,500 to accommodate the San Diego Public Library’s existing calendaring system within Innovative’s ILS platform.

This action is to request an extension of the Contract for an additional period of two years and for an additional amount not to exceed of $338,791.70, for Integrated Library Systems services for the City of San Diego Libraries.

Item 3 - Presentation on the Senior Innovation Hub by Meals on Wheels of San Diego County and ElderHelp of San Diego

The Committee will learn about the Senior Innovation Hub, the mission of Meals on Wheels of San Diego County and ElderHelp of San Diego and their ongoing work throughout the San Diego community. This is an information item. 



Active Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Meeting – March 20, 2025 –  1 p.m.

ATI Committee Meeting Agenda


Consent Agenda

Item 1 – Approval of Committee Minutes


Item 2 - Execute a Construction and Reimbursement agreement between City of San Diego and City of La Mesa for Montezuma/Mid-City Pipeline Phase 2 project


Item 3 - First Amendments to Two (2) As-Needed Architectural Services with Platt/Whitelaw Architects (H197088) and Roesling Nakamura Terada (H197089


Item 4 - First Amendments to Three (3) As-Needed Landscape Architectural Services with Schmidt Design Group, Inc. (H197098), Spurlock Landscape Architects (H197099), KTU&A (H197100)


Item 5 - Extension of the contractual obligations of K-20-1907-DBB-3 for the Remaining Small Diameter CI Water Phase 2 Project


Item 6 - Authorize the obligations of Construction Contract (K-18-1739-DBB-3) with NEWest Construction, Inc. to extend beyond five years for the Soledad Pump Station Upgrades project


Discussion Agenda

Item 7 - Authorization to Award and execute a Construction Contract to OHLA USA, Inc. for the Morena Pipeline, Morena Improvement 3 (Sewer), Morena Improvement 3A (Water), Morena Pipeline (BL), and Morena Bl Median projects (K-25-2169-DBB-3-A-C)

This item is to request City Council authorization to award and execute a phase-funded construction contract with OHLA USA, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $63,132,436.28.

On November 1, 2021, City Council adopted Resolution Number R-313764, approving Capital Improvement Program Budget for Pure Water Phase 1 and Pure Water Phase 2, including the authorization to award a construction contract for the Morena Pipeline project.

However, since these authorizations, the scope of Morena Pipeline project has been unbundled from a Pure Water project and re-bundled with the Morena Improv 3 (Sewer) project, Morena Improv 3A (Water) project, the Morena Pipeline (BL) project, and the Morena Median project through various coordination efforts due to the proximity of the projects’ locations.

Therefore, a new authorization to award a construction contract, including all the above projects, to OHLA USA, Inc. is being requested from the City Council. An all-inclusive construction award for Morena Pipelines will assist in increasing efficiency and reducing community impact.


Item 8 - Create and Fund an Emergency CIP Project for Mission Beach Lifeguard Station

The Mission Beach Lifeguard Station, located at 3141 Ocean Front Walk, San Diego, 92109, has reached the end of its service life and is in very poor condition such that it is highly probable that it will be deemed unsafe and uninhabitable prior to the ability of the City to fund, design, and build a replacement building. Therefore, emergency actions are requested. Assessment of the habitability of the building and temporary repairs are needed immediately.

This item is to request City Council approval to create an emergency Capital Improvement Project L-25001, Mission Beach Lifeguard Station, for the replacement and repairs to the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department’s Mission Beach Lifeguard Station in the amount of $1,000,000, of which $500,000 is from Fund 400881, Debt Funded General Fund CIP and $500,000 from Fund 100012, Infrastructure Fund.

Additionally, the Fire-Rescue Department is requesting concurrent approval from Council to appropriate a total amount of $500,000 from Fund 400885 Citywide Fire DIF for CIP P-24013, SD FR Training Ctr-Feasibility Study, to ensure the project proceeds accordingly with no delays.


Item 9 - Comprehensive Parking Reform Package

Increased development and growing parking demand in several parts of the City, as well as the evolution of parking management practices and tools, has created the need to modernize City parking management policies.

This Comprehensive Parking Reform Package includes amendments to Chapter 8 of the Municipal Code, eligible uses of parking meter revenues to include activities benefiting the management of parking utilization and availability for all vehicle types, amend residential parking permit programs to allow for more streamlined permit-area establishment, and update to City fees, among many other changes.

Note that this item was initiated by the former Sustainability and Mobility Department and will be carried forward to implementation by the Transportation Department.



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You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or  stream it online. 

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