The People’s Business – March 17, 2025
Tuesday’s meeting will begin with a ceremonial item honoring 2025 Women of Distinction as selected by the Mayor and Councilmembers. The Council will also hear an appeal of the environmental designation for a project on Genter Street in La Jolla.
From the Office of Council President Joe LaCava
City Council Meeting – March 18, 2025 – 10 a.m.
10 a.m. – Consent Agenda, Proclamations, Information and Adoption Agenda, Non-agenda Public Comment
2 p.m. – Informational Items, Discussion Items, Housing Authority Agenda
Consent Agenda
There are 13 items on the Consent Agenda including settlement of lawsuits against the city, approval of the Stormwater Joint Use Agreement Between the City and Del Mar Union School District for Pacific Sky Elementary School, and a Potable Water Emergency Interconnection Agreement with the City of Poway.
Proclamations and Ceremonial Items
Item 30 – 2025 City of San Diego Women of Distinction
For Women’s History Month, this item honors Women of Distinction in San Diego. The Mayor and each Council office have nominated women of distinction.
Item 31 – Women’s History Month
This proclamation celebrates the historic role of women across our country’s history, their achievements, the barriers they have broken, and the challenges that still remain in the face of gender equality.
Item 32 – Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
This item highlights the importance of inclusion and participation of individuals with developmental disabilities in all aspects of community life.
Discussion Items — to be heard at the 2 p.m. session
Item 330 – Appeal of the Environmental Determination for 627 Genter Street Project No. PRJ-1055455
Appeal of the Environmental Exemption for a Coastal Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit for proposed additions and renovations to an existing education building on an existing religious assembly campus.
The 0.48-acre project site is located at 627 Genter Street in the Residential Multiple Unit (RM-1- 1) Zone, Coastal Height Limit Overlay Zone, Coastal Overlay (non-appealable) Zone, and the Transit Area Overlay Zone within the La Jolla Community Plan area.
This project was determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to CEQA Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) on September 5, 2025. The scope of the appeal hearing only includes the environmental determination and not the Project itself.
Housing Authority Agenda
Item HA1 – Informational Report from the Housing Authority Executive Director
Item HA2 – Actions Establishing the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) President and Chief Executive Officer’s Compensation for the Period of December 13, 2024, through December 12, 2025, as recommended by the SDHC Board of Commissioners
This item would adopt and approve the compensation package for the President and Chief Executive Officer of the San Diego Housing Commission, as recommended by the SDHC Board of Commissioners.
Based on the President and CEO’s excellent performance during the Evaluation Period, the Ad Hoc CEO Performance Evaluation Committee, composed of SDHC Board Vice Chair Ryan Clumpner and Commissioner Melinda Vásquez, recommended the President and CEO’s base salary be increased to $372,500—which reflects a 5 percent increase plus an additional $5,000 to right-size the compensation comparable to others in similar positions
Item HA3 – Settlement of Patrice Baker et al v. City of San Diego, et al, United States District Court
Case No: 3:19-cv-1013-JO (DEB), Claim No. 22699
This item is a settlement of Patrice Baker, et al. v. City of San Diego, et al., United States District Court related to claims that the City’s policy and practice of increasing density throughout the City to create more opportunities for housing when it updates its community plans, violated the federal Fair Housing Act and state Fair Employment and Housing Act.
The proposed settlement involves several action items that the City’s Planning Department and Economic Development Department will undertake as detailed in the proposed settlement agreement. The Agreement also includes a litigation expenses component to be paid to Plaintiffs’ attorneys by the City. The Housing Authority of the City of San Diego (Housing Authority) has no action items nor is it required to pay any monies under the terms of the Agreement.
The agreed upon action items generally include items that the Planning Department and the Economic Development Department were already going to implement in their respective Department work plans to further the City’s commitment to providing much needed affordable housing in high resource areas.
The Agreement provides payment of $650,000 for attorneys’ fees and litigation costs from the City to Plaintiffs.
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