The People’s Business – March 4, 2025
Three Committees will convene this week. Budget and Government Efficiency considers a contract for equipment rental. Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations will hear a lease and loan agreement to build affordable housing on city property. Land Use and Housing will get updates on programs meant to prevent homelessness.
From the Office of Council President Joe LaCava
Budget and Government Efficiency Committee Meeting – March 5, 2025 – 2 p.m.
Budget Committee Meeting Agenda
Consent Agenda
Item 1 – Approval of Committee Minutes
Item 2 - Ordinance Approving a Six-Month Extension to an Agreement with NEOGOV
This action accepts proposal for the Personnel Department to extend the existing contract with NEOGOV by six months for continuation of services to recruit and track City of San Diego applicants. Specifically, the amendment is to extend the existing one-year term by six months for a total not-to[1]exceed amount of $57,606.58.
Item 3 - Approval of an Ordinance authorizing an extension of the end-of-life computer hardware donation program with the San Diego Futures Foundation to refurbish and distribute to San Diegans in need and authorizing execution of the First Amendment to the Contract with the San Diego Futures Foundation for End-of-Life Computer Hardware Donation Project
This item request approval of an ordinance to extend an end-of-life computer salvage program administered by the City’s Department of Information Technology to allow for the continued donation of end-of-life computer equipment by the City of San Diego to the San Diego Futures Foundation (SDFF).
It also would approve an ordinance to authorize the execution of the First Amendment to the Contract with the SDFF for End-of-Life Computer Hardware Donation Project. These actions will extend the term of the program and associated contract for a period of up to five additional years, through September 3, 2030.
Discussion Agenda
Item 4 - Authorization for the Mayor to Execute Contracts for the City of San Diego's Next Generation Enterprise Resource Planning Modernization Program
The City of San Diego’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, also known as SAP, is nearing end-of-life and must be replaced.
This action requests authorization for the Mayor to execute contracts for a cumulative amount not to exceed $140,290,000 for a Next Generation ERP Modernization Program necessary to efficiently and effectively transition the City’s legacy SAP environment to a next generation cloud-based solution prior to SAP end-of-support.
The proposed actions authorize the Mayor to advertise, award, and execute the contracts without further City Council approval and to provide expenditure authority under the contracts contingent upon the adoption of future Annual Appropriation Ordinances.
Item 5 - Seventh Amendment to Cooperative Agreement Contract Between the City of San Diego and Herc Rentals, Inc. for Equipment Rental and Related Products and Services
This item would amend the existing cooperative agreement with Herc Rentals Inc. (Herc) for equipment rental and related products and services to increase the not to exceed amount for the rental of various light to heavy equipment from $32,325,000 to $41,325,000. This amendment would ensure that City departments are able to have continued access to equipment that is critical to their operational needs.
Information Items
Item 6 - Fiscal Year 2024 Business Diversity Annual Report
The Equal Opportunity Contracting Program (EOCP), a division of Purchasing and Contracting Department is pleased to provide this annual report, which provides construction, consultant, goods and services diversity participation statistics.
EOCP was established to ensure that contractors working with or receiving funds from the City do not engage in discriminatory employment practices that violate State or Federal law.
Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations Committee Meeting – March 5, 2025 – 2 p.m.
ED & IR Committee Meeting Agenda
Consent Agenda
Item 1 – Approval of Committee Minutes
Item 2 - FY2026 Business Improvement District Budgets - Annual Appropriation Process
Annually, as required by State law, the process to approve the Business Improvement District (BID) budget reports and authorize the levy and collection of assessment occurs over two Council meetings.
At the first meeting, Council is requested to adopt a resolution, appointing a nonprofit business association for each BID to advise the Council on the BID budget, assessments, improvements and activities.
Council is requested to adopt resolutions approving the BID Budget Reports, declaring Council’s intention to levy and collect annual assessments, and set the time of a legally required public hearing.
Discussion Agenda
Item 3 - Request approval of Disposition and Development Agreement and Ground Lease between the City of San Diego and Community HousingWorks for the City-owned property located at 3440 Sandrock Road, San Diego
This item requests approval of the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) and Ground Lease.
The former Serra Mesa library located at the site closed in 2006 when the new Serra Mesa-Kearny Mesa branch library opened at 9005 Aero Drive.
Community Housing Works is proposing to construct the a project that will consist of the new construction of one 5-story building including 56 one-bedroom and 3 two[1]bedroom units, 1 unrestricted two-bedroom manager unit, and 22 parking spaces.
Item 4 - Approval of an Affordable Housing Loan Agreement with Community HousingWorks, in an amount of $3,500,000 for the Serra Mesa Apartments Affordable Housing Project
This item would approve a proposed Loan Agreement between the City of San Diego and Community HousingWorks, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, for the Serra Mesa Apartments affordable housing project in an amount of $3,500,000.
Information Items
Item 5 - Bridge to Home Notice of Funding Availability Streamlined Round Five Informational Update
The Economic Development Department has completed the Bridge to Home Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) Streamlined Round Five proposal review process to increase the new construction of housing that will provide long-term affordability (55 years or longer) to individuals and families at or below 80% of the area median income.
Land Use and Housing Committee Meeting – March 6, 2025 – 1 p.m.
LU & H Committee Meeting Agenda
Consent Agenda
Item 1 – Approval of Committee Minutes
Information Agenda
Item 2 - Preservation and Progress Information Item
The City Planning Department will provide a brief overview of the City’s Heritage Preservation program, including a benchmarking effort that was undertaken to compare aspects of the City’s program with that of other large jurisdictions, and present a framework of potential updates to the City’s Heritage Preservation program for discussion and feedback
Item 3 - Informational Update: Housing Instability Prevention Program
At the request of Councilmember Kent Lee, the Chair of the Land Use and Housing Committee, an informational report will be presented to the Committee about the Housing Instability Prevention Program
SDHC launched HIPP on September 8, 2022. HIPP helps pay rent and other housing-related expenses for households in the City of San Diego with low income, experiencing a housing crisis and at risk of homelessness.
Item 4 - City of San Diego Eviction Prevention Program
At the request of Councilmember Kent Lee, the Chair of the Land Use and Housing Committee, an informational report will be presented to the Committee about the City of San Diego Eviction Prevention Program.
The Program helps renters with low income in the City of San Diego who are facing eviction for not paying their rent. Eligible households may receive full legal representation throughout the pre-eviction and eviction process, in settlement negotiations and through trial, if necessary
Item 5 - Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program Informational Update and Annual Report
Permanent Local Housing Allocation funding is made possible through Senate Bill 2 Chapter 364, Statutes of 2017. The intent of the bill is to provide a permanent, ongoing source of funding to Local governments for housing-related projects and programs that assist in addressing the unmet housing and homelessness needs of their local communities.
City of San Diego has been awarded up to $34,741,098 over a five-year period and as part of application to California Department of Housing and Community Development.
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