The People’s Business – February 4, 2025
Three City Council Committees meet this week. Budget Committee discusses user fees and the Mid-year Budget Monitoring Report. ED & IR will hear a report from the Tourism Marketing District. LU & H will consider the relinquishment of land to the City from CalTrans.
From the Office of Council President Joe LaCava
Budget and Government Efficiency Committee Meeting – February 5, 2025 – 9 a.m.
Budget and Government Efficiency Committee Meeting Agenda
Consent Agenda/Discussion Agenda
Item 1 - Approval of Committee Minutes
Discussion Agenda
Item 2 - Fiscal Year 2026 Comprehensive User Fee Analysis
Per City Council Policy 100-05, the City of San Diego performs a comprehensive user fee study every three to five years.
The purpose of the study is to identify the cost of service for activities that charge user fees and to develop target cost recovery rates that bring existing fees in-line with full or partial cost recovery, depending on City policy goals.
The recommended action proposes additions and adjustments to department’s user fees for the purpose of recovering costs incurred in providing goods and services.
Item 3 - Fiscal Year 2026 User Fees
Per City Council Policy 100-05, the City performs a comprehensive user fee study every three to five years.
Between the comprehensive user fee study years, user fees may be updated annually as a part of the budget process, and adjustments can be scheduled to increase based on Consumer Price Index (CPI) or other annually adjusted inflators, if applicable, until the next study is performed.
Item 4 - Fiscal Year 2025 Mid-Year Budget Monitoring Report
The purpose of the Fiscal Year 2025 Mid-Year Budget Monitoring Report is to provide the City Council, and the public, with an update of revenues and expenditures for funds with budgeted personnel expenditures.
This item would approve any requested authorities and recommendations for appropriations that are outlined in the Fiscal Year 2025 Mid-Year Budget Monitoring Report.
Item 5 - FY 2026 Updated City Council Budget Priorities
Per the City Charter, the first step for the City Council in the City’s annual budget process is the development of the annual Budget Priorities Resolution. It is first developed and approved in the fall; and Council also can update its initial Budget Priorities Resolution in February.
This annual resolution has been approved by the City Council each year since 2006, and its development is included in the FY 2026 Budget Development and FY 2025 Budget Monitoring Key Dates which was approved by the City Council on November 12, 2024.
Information Agenda
Item 6 - 2025 Budget and Government Efficiency Committee Work Plan
This is an informational item to review and discuss the 2025 Budget and Government Efficiency Committee Work Plan. The Work Plan was drafted with the input of the Budget and Government Efficiency Committee members serving on the Committee and public input.
Econonic Development and Intergovernmental Relations Committee Meeting – February 5, 2025 – 2 p.m.
ED & IR Committee Meeting Agenda
Consent Agenda
Item 1 – Approval of Committee Minutes
Item 2 – Amendments to the San Diego Municipal Code consolidate the Department of Real Estate and Airport Management under the Economic Development Department
In November 2023, the Department of Real Estate and Airport Management (DREAM) was consolidated under the Department of Economic Development (EDD) to align all real estate functions under one department to create greater operational efficiencies and customer service.
With the consolidation, amendments to the San Diego Municipal Code (SDMC) are necessary to reflect that the Department of Real Estate and Airport Management no longer exists by name, but all functions remain and should be now reflected under the Economic Development Department.
This action will amend the San Diego Municipal Code to strike all references of DREAM and replace with EDD; move SDMC section 22.0220 to section 22.2403 to consolidate all functions under Economic Development; and revise section 68.0101(e) to reflect Director of the City Department which oversees the City’s airports, which is currently the Economic Development Department.
Item 3 - Compensation Agreement with Civic San Diego for the construction of the 14th Street Greenway Block #2 Project.
The 14th Street Greenway Block #2 Project is located between Market Street and Island Ave in the East Village neighborhood of downtown. The Project consists of eliminating the northbound parking lane and expanding the easterly sidewalk by approximately 14 feet with additional landscape elements, site amenities, and storm water improvements.
For this item, Civic San Diego would construct the Project pursuant to a Compensation Agreement under its existing Operating Agreement with the City.
Discussion Agenda
Item 4 - 2025 Economic Development & Intergovernmental Relations Committee Work Plan
Section 6.1.3 of the Municipal Code requires that each standing committee develop an annual work plan and compile a year-end report to be presented to the Council at the end of each year. The Council President shall use the posted work plans to develop the annual Council work plan to be presented at a Council meeting in March of each year.
Item 5 - De-federalization of the San Diego Region Revolving Loan Fund
The San Diego Region Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) is operated by the City of San Diego for the benefit of businesses in San Diego and Chula Vista. San Diego and Chula Vista have an MOU in place for the administration of the RLF which was established in 2002 with the U.S. Department of Commerce – Economic Development Administration.
This item would approve the request to de-federalize the RLF, utilize the award funds for broader economic development purposes, and establish a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of Chula Vista for the operation of the San Diego Region RLF.
Following defederalization, funds can be used in accordance to EDA’s authorizing statute, the Public Works and Economic Development Act (PWEDA), including but not limited to lending to for-profit and non-profit businesses, grant activity to non-profit and public entities, building support infrastructure in RLF administration and management, offsetting RLF operating costs, and Federal grant matching opportunities.
The RLF would continue to operate within San Diego with a portion of de-federalized funds, and the remaining portion would be programmed for other economic development purposes.
Information Agenda
Item 6 – FY 2024 Citywide Annual Grants Report
The Department of Government Affairs, Grants Division will provide an informational update on its Fiscal Year 2024 Citywide Grants Report and provide an overview on its grants-related advocacy efforts, convey key sources of funding, and evaluate year-over-year performance.
Item 7 – Fiscal Year (FY 2024) San Diego Tourism Marketing District
The City’s San Diego Tourism Marketing District is a citywide benefit assessment district designed to improve tourism activity and increase hotel room night consumption in the City of San Diego. This item is a presentation of the Annual Performance Report for Fiscal Year 2024 of the San Diego Tourism Marketing District Corporation.
Item 8 – Progress Report: Implementation of World Design Capital 2024
Department of Cultural Affairs staff and representatives from the World Design Capital San Diego-Tijuana 2024 will provide a progress report on implementing the World Design Capital 2024 programs.
Land Use and Housing Committee Meeting – February 6, 2025 – 1 p.m.
LU & H Committee Meeting Agenda
Consent Agenda
Item 1 – Approval of Committee Minutes
Item 2 - Approve a Relinquishment Agreement between the California Department of Transportation and the City of San Diego for the City to accept title to a nonmotorized transportation facility and associated approximately 2.3 acres of real property along Interstate 5, bounded by Boston Avenue, 29th Street and 32nd Street.
The City proposes accepting Caltrans’ relinquishment of the Property. Caltrans recently improved the Property with Clean California funding and constructed a nonmotorized multi-use pathway. The City’s Bicycle Master Plan and Barrio Logan Community Plan identify a Class I bicycle path as a needed connection within the Barrio Logan Community to serve the public good and meet transportation demands.
Under the proposed Relinquishment Agreement, the Property will be relinquished to the City at no direct cost, but the City will assume the general costs of ongoing maintenance and operation of the Property.
Item 3 - Authorization to execute a Letter of Relinquishment Acceptance between the City and Caltrans to convey land between Santa Fe Street and I-5 to the City
This item would authorize to execution of a Letter of Relinquishment Acceptance with the California Department of Transportation, which provides for relinquishment of land from Caltrans to the City of San Diego that encompasses the Rose Creek Bikeway
Discussion Agenda
Item 4 - Accept a 53-acre land donation in the East Elliott area of San Diego (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 366-030-39, 366-030-47, and 366-031-16), from the Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation, dedicate the land as open space, and add the land to the City of San Diego’s Multiple Species Conservation Program
Information Agenda
Item 5 - Development Services Department Process and Permitting Update
The Development Services Department will provide an update on process and permitting that are related to the department’s regulatory responsibilities including implementing housing programs; permit streamlining; professional certification; permit activity; and future projects.
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