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City Council

The People's Business - Feb. 8, 2021

The Lunar New Year is upon us this week.  With it come wishes of health, happiness and prosperity.   It's also known as the Spring Festival.  Certainly, renewal and rejuvenation is a theme found in this week's agenda. 

Council Meeting, Feb. 9, 2021

After hearing public comment on the Closed Session agenda, Councilmembers will enter the closed session.  They will return to the Open Session at about 11 a.m. where five ceremonial items will be presented.  

Lion Dance

The Council will consider a proclamation on Lunar New Year Day, which many Asian residents celebrate. National Engineers week and National Eating Disorders Awareness week will also be recognized.  Former City of San Diego Employee Matt Awbry will be honored for his service.  Meanwhile, Kentucky and Derby, an Ocean Beach man and his dog who appeared on the reality TV series “The Pack”, will be recognized for their efforts.


Informational Items:

City of San Diego FY 2022-2026 Five-Year Capital Infrastructure Planning Outlook (Item 331) – This report aims to provide a broad overview of capital infrastructure needs and funding projections over the next five fiscal years.  The City’s Capital Infrastructure Planning (CIP) is expected to grow including a newly identified needs based on regulatory requirements.


Performance Audit of The Development Service Department Administration of Deposit Accounts for Development Projects (Item 330) – The City Auditor conducted a performance audit of the how Development Services Department (DSD) ran its deposit accounts for development projects in 2019.  The Auditor found that DSD did not follow its won policy of required minimum balances or pursue money owed to the city because processes are not in place to do so.  DSD has agreed to follow the City Auditors recommendations to improve.


Street SweepingPerformance Audit of the City’s Transportation and Stormwater Department’s Street Sweeping Section (Item 332) – The City Auditor also looked at the performance of the Street Sweeping Section of the Transportation and Stormwater Department (TSW).  The City Auditor has suggested changes to increase efficiencies and improve effectiveness.


On to the Adoption Agenda:

Stormwater Division Funding Strategy in Response to Performance Audit (Item 334) – The City’s Stormwater Division manages a mostly unseen system of streets, pipes and green infrastructure and is forecast to face a funding gap to maintain those facilities.  A performance audit of the Stormwater Division found that current levels of stormwater funding are not enough to fund present and future stormwater management needs. 


City Recycling Ordinance Amendments (Item 333) – This action would authorize amendments to the City’s Recycling Ordinance to expand recycling requirements in accordance with State law.  This would include commercially generated waste and organic waste generated from multi-family residential facilities.


Street PavingAmendments to Council Policy 200-01 “Distribution of Street Improvement Costs” (Item S501) – The suggested amendments address the unimproved streets, commonly known as dirt roads, in the city.  It would authorize City funds to bring unimproved streets and alleys to City Standards and include them in the City’s street resurfacing program.  This item was heard in October 14, 2020 in the Active Transportation and Infrastructure Committee meeting and passed unanimously.



To participate in the meeting, click on the agenda and follow the instructions.

You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or stream it online.

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