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City Council

The People's Business - Feb. 1, 2021

By the time the Council Meeting starts, Punxsutawney Phil will have already completed his Groundhog’s Day duties and we’ll know (not scientifically proven) when Spring will arrive.  Some of the items on this week’s agenda will also give everyone an idea of what to expect from City Council in the coming months.

Council Meeting- Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021

After hearing public comment on Closed Session items, the councilmembers will go behind the virtual closed doors to discuss items on the agenda.

Black History Month Photo





The open session has two proclamations, one honoring Dr. William Tayari Howard and the other proclaiming Black History Month in the City of San Diego.

Four consent items are listed on the agenda including declaring a Continued State of Emergency in the pandemic and a Continued State of Emergency regarding sewage waste and sediment coming from Tijuana, Mexico.

SD Convention Center

On to the adoption agenda and informational items...

Convention Center Board Appointees (S502) – The City Council appoints a representative to the Convention Center Board of Directors.  The last representative’s term expired in December of last year.  Two people have been nominated for the position:  Shawn VanDiver and Alberto Velasquez.  The appointee will serve in this position until December 1, 2023.


Draft City Council Work Plan (Item 330) – Every year, the Council President shall present the annual Council work plan at a Council meeting in March.  This draft offers a framework for policy and budget priorities for the coming year.  Councilmembers and the public will provide input for the final work plan which will be presented to the Mayor in March.

FY 2022 City Council Budget Priorities (Item 333) – This report represents budget priorities from all City Councilmembers for FY 2022, the period July 2021 through June 2022.  Each Councilmember submitted their priorities to Councilmember Chris Cate who Chairs the Budget Committee.  The Council will vote on adoption of the Budget Priorities Resolution.

Follow-Up Performance Audit of the PUD’s Industrial Wastewater Program (Item 331) – In August of 2013, an audit of the Public Utilities Department’s (PUD) Industrial Wastewater Control Program (IWCP) found that fees were outdated, there were billing lapses and inadequate controls to recover costs.  A recent follow-up audit by the Office of the City Auditor found that progress was made but issues identified in the report remain largely unaddressed.  The Office of the City Auditor will share it’s findings and recommendations.

Performance Audit City’s Strategic Human Capital Management (Item 332) - The Office of the City Auditor presents its findings and recommendations on employee performance.  The OCA performed this audit to evaluate the extent and use of several internal controls to monitor employee performance issues.


- To participate in the meeting and make comments, read the instructions on the Council Meeting Agenda.  You can watch the meeting on cable TV channel 24 or AT&T channel 99, or stream it online.

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