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Public Library

Binford I CAN, Too! Center

Library Services for Children with Accessibility and Neurodiversity Needs
Located inside the Sanford Children’s Library on the first floor of the Central Library

I CAN, Too! Center computer

About the I CAN, Too! Center

The San Diego Public Library is proud to broaden its service range to include children with accessibility needs and their caregivers.

This dedicated space is designed with their foremost needs in mind. Technology in the center allows these children to more fully enjoy what the Denny Sandford Children’s Library has to offer.

A child can begin to use the available space and equipment in the Center once a parent or caregiver meets with the I CAN, Too! Librarian. The librarian will assess the child’s needs, determine the appropriateness of services and provide an orientation.




  • SARA Reader: short for Scanning and Reading Appliance, this reader works like a computer scanner to recognize text in print materials, translates it into speech and then reads the text aloud.
  • Optelec ClearView: a 22-inch desktop video magnifier. Read books, finish puzzles and look at pictures easily with the touch of a button.
  • EZsee Keyboard: a large print keyboard that provides easy-to-see computer keys, low profile designs and extra large key legends for greater visibility and efficiency.
  • Adjustable height tables
  • Assistive Mouse/Ball Tracking


  • ZoomText Magnifier: an advanced screen magnification program that enlarges and enhances everything on the computer screen, making your computer easier to see and use.
  • JAWS: as the world's most popular screen reading software, JAWS enables people with vision loss to independently use a computer with a keyboard, speech or Braille display. Tasks such as writing documents, emailing or navigating the internet are made possible with this program.
  • Read & Write: Literacy software is used daily to support those with learning difficulties or who require dyslexia tools. This toolbar assists users with features such as text-to-speech for reading comprehension, handy text and picture dictionaries to broaden vocabulary, providing word predictions to help develop writing skills and much more.


  • Book collection in both Large Print and Braille
  • Sensory Integration Kits: For children on the spectrum, our kits are packed with various goodies to channel their energy, regulate emotions and improve concentration.


For other questions or concerns, call 619-238-6664 or email our Children's Librarian at