Blueprint SD is a proactive effort to create an equitable and sustainable framework for growth to support current and future San Diegans. Blueprint SD is using the best available data to identify areas for more homes and jobs that are connected to convenient and affordable options to walk, bike, and ride transit to meet daily needs, such as going to work, school, or the grocery store. This approach helps meet the needs of our growing city while making progress towards our climate goals. This updated strategy (or “blueprint”) for growth will be used to refresh the General Plan.

Project Updates

  • City Council Hearing. On July 23, 2024 the City Council will make a decision on the Blueprint SD (General Plan Refresh). The updated materials following Land Use and Housing Committee (see LU&H agenda here) are available below.
  • A final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has also been prepared. The final EIR is available online (see EIR here - scroll to July 11, 2024).

Blueprint SD Materials (July 2024)

Why Do We Need Blueprint SD?

icon-blueprintsd-1-blueTo create more homes and jobs by transit.

San Diego is currently home to 1.4 million residents. Due to a limited supply of homes, neighborhoods across the City experience higher housing costs, overcrowding, and sub-par housing conditions. In many areas, jobs have also been built far away from the places where we live. Increasing the number of homes and jobs by transit is important to create better connections and improve economic opportunity for each household.

icon-blueprintsd-2-blueTo expand options to walk, bike, and take transit.

The largest source of the harmful pollutants or greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) entering our environment and worsening our air comes from our transportation network. Our transportation network accounts for over half (55%) of our emissions. Blueprint SD will identify opportunities to increase convenient and affordable transportation options – like walking, biking, and taking transit – for trips to work, school, grocery stores, and other daily needs, which would also lower the harmful pollutants entering our environment.

icon-blueprintsd-3-blueTo make progress towards climate goals.

We experience the impacts of climate change through increased wildfires, extreme heat, sea level rise, drought, and extreme rainfall. Our most vulnerable communities also bear the largest burden of climate change and face significant financial and health risks from changing conditions. The City’s Climate Action Plan sets a goal of net zero emissions by 2035. To support this goal, 50 percent of all trips across the City will need to take place through walking, biking, or transit in the next 13 years. Blueprint SD is using the best data and modeling to create a framework to meet these targets.

What Are the Benefits?

icon-blueprintsd-4-blueA clear strategy to grow in a climate-friendly way.

Blueprint SD will amend the General Plan to focus growth in areas that demonstrate the greatest transit competitiveness (also known as “transit propensity”). The General Plan will also be amended to include supportive land use and transportation policies that improve transit competitiveness and overall transportation options. These updated policies will then guide future neighborhood-level planning activities, including community plan updates.

icon-blueprintsd-5-blueAn outcome-driven environmental review process.

The impacts of the General Plan amendment will be analyzed in a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) that is prepared according to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Future community plan updates can then tier from the citywide PEIR and analyze community-specific issues through the preparation of the appropriate CEQA document (for example, a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report [SEIR]). This approach will create a streamlined environmental review process that focuses on analyzing issues of local importance.

Learn about Commenting on Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs)

icon-blueprintsd-6-blueTimely community plan updates and alignment with Climate Action Plan goals.

By providing an updated citywide framework for growth and streamlined environmental review process, neighborhood-level planning efforts can better align with the goals of the Climate Action Plan. Future community plan updates could potentially be completed within two to three years (versus four to five years).

Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus

This initiative focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:

Create Homes for All of Us

Promotes housing strategically in areas close to transit, stores, jobs, schools and parks.

Advance Mobility & Infrastructure

Identifies areas for new homes and other development that can best be served by transit, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure investments.

Champion Sustainability

Reduces greenhouse gas emissions by planning for new development located close to where people need to go.

Project Timeline

Spring/Summer 2023

Citywide Survey

Feedback on Community Discussion Draft General Plan Amendment

Spring 2024

Feedback on Draft General Plan Amendment

Feedback on Draft Environmental Impact Report

Summer 2024

Public Hearings and Adoption

Community Planners Committee

Planning Commission

City Council

Learn About Where Community Input Comes From











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